God, speaking of disconnected, see above paragraph. Did I have a point?
I had a sort of unsettling dream, disjoint, as it were, out of line with my expectations of reality. The words I heard were those I would have expected to want to hear, and yet I found myself repulsed. An embrace, and it felt like I was touching a snake. I wonder what my mind is doing.
Bummer that Saturday's hockey gig is cancelled (because all these damn *musicians* have other stupid concerts and gigs), but now this means that Saturday is totally free. This is daunting! What will I do?!
At any rate, this paper is already 4 pages long and I've only covered 2 of 6 articles and I'm not even to the major second part of my argument yet. Ugh. And I'm tired.
I feel like there will soon be a point of no return, the last point at which committment must be made or the fading away shall begin and shall be unstoppable. Not with a bang, but not with a whimper because a whimper recognizes the end; just a vanishing that makes no formal note of its ending, that unforced way of forgetting, that transcience we let heppen to us because to consider it is to let in the pain of it.
Gwen was complaining about how vague this page is... but vagueness is the only safety!
I'm feeling pretty awake now! Go second wind go!
The most annoying thing about today is my laptop. I noticed this morning that the screen was flickering, brighter, less bright. I thought, great, a connection is loose to the monitor. I discover later in the day that the charger icon is on in the systray. Futzing around with the power cable reminded me that the screen dims a bit when it goes to battery. So, fortunately the problem is the AC adapter being loose, and not a monitor issue, but it's still annoying and I can't fix it except probably to get a new AC adapter (and hope it's not the socket that's the problem). What an asspain. I don't want to be forced to clean my room so I can use the desktop.
Some people are haunted.
Aw yeah, finished with the paper! It only took an additional 45 minutes this morning. It probably would have taken 3 hours if I'd tried to finish last night. And now I'm fairly awake. Which is good because I have to read a buttload today before crapping out four pages of reflection paper (that's a gross sentence). Of course my schedule has gone to hell today! But otherwise, it has gone pretty well. I don't think I have time for a jog/walk today, however, because this reading really is massive, and I need every spare nanosecond. But first, lunch!
I keep hoping that there will be a day, a sober day for both of us, when we sit down and talk and talk and *really* talk. There is a wall, and it I find a window sometimes late at night on the phone or maybe even together, but it's hard and cruel and solid the rest of the time. At least I've stopped banging my head against that wall, pursuing extremes to try and break it down. I stand outside it now, I am sad for what's inside, locked behind.
The thing about being a senior and being in a seminar course is the realization that if the paper just isn't going to happen tonight, it's not the end of the world and a couple of days won't matter. It's better just to do the reading for the actual class as to be useful, and turn the paper in later.
I like having people over. I like it that our room is regularly social.
So like, the last few times I've had red wine I've ended up with a ridiculous headache. Jenn noted to me last night, as I was complaining after returning from Gwen's, that red wine contributes to migraines. So I think that's it for me and red wine. Which is too bad because it's tasty, and I'm not a huge white wine fan. But I really hate headaches, like, a lot. And despite Advil being the substance of the gods, I don't want to have to take it any oftener than I have to.
This is all more signs I'm OLD.
But there's a hockey game tonight! Hockey games are so much more exciting when they are not mandatory.
I slept way too late today... celebrating the unbirthday just a bit too much.
Suffice it to say, yesterday was a huge party! I don't even know what happened in the football game after I was free (I was way in the back, and this fellow named Johnnie Walker had me most distracted), but I definitely had a blast giving the new kids a hard time and dancing on the field with the crusties after the game. I had thought all week I would bawl my eyes out during Fair Harvard, but I was too happy.
And now there's a different sort of turmoil. Well, I really shouldn't call it that. It's one of the best kinds of torture there is, but it's been so long since I've felt it that I've forgotten about it. It's so juvenile to have a crush on someone, but there it is. I'm sure it will go away. :-)
I go through phases... sometimes I get a sense of urgency. And lately I almost don't care. Maybe because there are so many interesting distractions, none of them productive, but fun nonetheless.
It amazes me how unconscionably stupid usually-intelligent people can be at times.
Oh my God... I was just reading through some old entries (in an attempt tp avoid writing a response paper), when I got to this one from July about how I found gum on my desk. I read the sentence, "I don't know who would have been in my office drooling gum onto my desk" and I just busted out laughing like it was the funniest thing I've ever read. It just struck me as so comical the image of some uncontrolled sap suddenly being in my office and drooling gum onto the desk. I don't know what it is sometimes about stupid things that sometimes send one into gut-wrenching laughter, but damn. My sister sometimes does this; she'll find some dumb little thing hysterically funny for reasons she can't even explain, and she'll just laugh really hard for like five minutes. Which, considering she has the most fucking infectious laugh ever when she gets going, starts everyone around her laughing like mad.
I should give a shout-out to all the wonderfully grown-up people that I know must be out there, but unfortunately they are much harder to find than their louder, stupider opposites.
It's funny how this year I lust after sleep on Friday nights. I used to stay up until all hours and crawl out of bed the next morning and feel like crap but still do it the next week anyway. Maybe I have just finally learned. I feel bad completely ditching the Penn party. I should go. But I know that I will ache tomorrow when I have to get up ass early and haul around crates of ponchos... I just don't have enough energy for heavy lifting if I don't sleep. Must sleeeeep....
Hockey was lots of fun tonight, even if we were only a cheering section.
I think what makes me happy, though, is that the people whose opinions I respect seem to like the decision. I'm glad that other people in the know support us.