Saturday 27


Sometimes I really wish I could spend my weekend at my own house with my stuff.

Friday 5


Bleh, winter institute. It's a marathon of I Don't Care.

Monday 1


I'm very impressed with myself that I managed to get 2006 into the archives and the 2007 page live on Jan 1, given that I normally put it off. It really didn't take that long.

I think I'm going to revamp the page sometime this week, streamline it to stuff that people read and that I actually update.

Yesterday Am and I went shopping, braving the crazy icy streets and unplowed parking lots. I got a Costco card on my sister's account, so that was productive. For the evening festivities, we first went over to Fish's for some dinner and socializing with my old high school peeps. Then we went to Am's friends' house for midnight. I talked to Joe for like 50 minutes on the phone before Am came to scold me for not being social.

Today I have a champagne headache. Yowch. I think we will go bug my dad and maybe hit a few stores for some errands. We want to reschedule the cheese party, but the street still looks kind of bad, so no one would be able to park. The city is allegedly starting to plow neighborhoods. What would be nice is some salting or at least dirting of the roads. Last night on the way to Fish's, we decided to take the freeway to Montano, and the overpass was like a sheet of ice. I didn't know we were sliding until Am squaked out, "What do I do?!" But we just let it ride and eventually got into the lane. Am learned yesterday just not to touch any pedals and try to steer, and we eventually go where we need to. And also that you should remember to get the car out of low gear before driving on the freeway. :-)

I don't really make resolutions on the New Year, because I try to continually resolve to do things (although I do have current thoughts about restarting my exercise plan, eating less junk, and getting more work done, but those have been kind of ongoing). 2006 was a nice year -- I got myself a cute dorky boyfriend, had a thesis project dropped in my lap, and further settled my social circle. I had a productive summer as far as road tripping went. This coming year will be crazy between the Malawi trip and the subsequent thesis writing -- I hope to be almost done this time next year. I also want to go on a few trips this summer, I hope including the boy, who has never been west of Harrisburg, PA.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Or be shoveled