Sunday 31

I woke up at 11 and felt like the laziest person alive. But then I felt so much better when I realized it was really 10!

That's the one and only good thing about the end of Daylight Savings. Although now that I have some 8:30 am courses, I have to say it will nice for it to be sort of light out when I leave my house.

I feel much peppier today.

Strange dreams, though...

I enumerate the parameters, I run through the permutations, but I keep coming up with zero. I run it again, same way, and still zero. It's the true definition of insanity, trying the same thing and expecting a different result, but I won't accept zero, I can't, there must be a way, there has to be a way. Sure, if I increase my temporal parameter, I can produce a tiny probability, but it might as well be zero for all that can negate it. But there has to be some possibility, there has to be an answer. I can't accept that there's no answer. I've really tried, I really have, and I just can't make it stick, I can't stop searching for the thing I must have missed that will make it all right again.

Saturday 30

You know what the best part is about waking up at 4 am? Not going to fucking Dartmouth! Ha!

Also, somehow not feeling like I'm going to die, but maybe I haven't slept enough yet.

Also, I'm still annoyed at the whole world.

Because I wasn't feeling depressed enough already today, I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I know, it's not supposed to be a depressing movie, and I did really like it, but it made me sad anyway. Then again, I find a lot of things hard to deal with these days.

I'm getting more and more nervsy about Tuesday.

I'm making one assertion, however: none of the networks are going to call anything unless it's a landslide and there aren't going to be enough legal challenges to switch things. Which is doubtful.

So, I know I was being gloomy last night about Boston, but I really didn't mean what I wrote, of course. Maybe I'll visit the weekend after Thanksgiving, or the one after that. I was pondering going up to Penn next weekend, but I dunno, seems like a hassle. Though the Raunch bus could be fun.

After IMing with Matt, I still have no idea when I'm coming up to Boston... though I'm leaning towards December.

But I do feel entertained. And now, maybe some sleep, with an extra hour thrown in.

Friday 29

So I decided to take the ass early WF class. Sucks, but the class is cool, and the prof provides coffee because he realizes not everyone is as much of a morning person as he is.

I got some grocery shopping done today, as well as some Blockbuster and wine at Rite Aid.

Goodbye wine and Jameson/diet Coke.

F9/11 is a terrible thing to watch so close to the election. Sans wine even, I cried from the beginning to the end, and when I wasn't crying, I was furious.

I started watching Endless Sunshine... but I need to be more sober to fully appreciate what the hell is going on. Tomorrow night.

Last night I couldn't sleep because I was fussing about Boston plans. Today I went to check fares, and already they're up for next weekend, so probably not, and anyway, maybe I won't go at all until the new year. Why spend money if it won't be a nice vacation, eh? And maybe I'll even come back right after the new year, and maybe I can find other places to go, if people want me to visit. So many people everywhere, eh?

This week was like two weeks, with finals and then a new quarter. And terribly lonely.

Thursday 28

Seems the web page is still down, but at least I can get into it from the editing end now... there were some big old problems with bantha, which are in the process of being resolved.

But, anyway. WOOOOOOOOO RED SOX!!!!!!!! I can't believe it.

Also woo end of quarter! And boo start of new one today, the day after the last one!

As of almost 11pm, looks like the website is back up. Craziness. First day of school again was pretty good, though tiring. I don't think I'll be taking the late afternoon class, opting instead for an early morning class Weds and Fri. :p Geh. I also seem to be the queen of catching bookstore and syllabus glitches.

I'm trying to figure out my travel plans through January. I already have a flight home for Thanksgiving, spending some decent time at home. Now I'm trying to figure out a) if and when do I go to Boston this quarter? It seems like I ought to go with such a nice schedule giving me longish weekends, but when? Not yale weekend, because the short week before T-day is hellish and midtermly. I was thinking possibly next weekend, but everyone might be frazzled with senior staff auditions. I could bus up to Penn and fly back, but that doesn't quite give me the full weekend worth of fun. Early December might be okay, but I don't want to get behind late in the quarter, though I'd probably have plenty of study buddies if I brought my work with me. So maybe next weekend. I dunno. Anyone with thoughts on this count should definitely email me.

As for winter break, looks like I can't get out of town until the 23rd, which is suck, but I have a midterm until 5:30 on the 22nd. Craptacular. Then the question is, do I go to Boston for New Years, and if so, do I go straight there from Albuquerque? And how long should I stay there? Airtran is so easy I could probably get there and then decide, but I wouldn't mind having some notion ahead of time. I dunno. Someone decide things for me.

Tuesday 26

My head feels like a big swollen balloon!

I slept tons last night, which was good, since it made Biostats a lot less painful. People seemed a lot more concerned about the exam afterwards than I felt. I only was stumped by the last question, which I think I answered wrong, but it was a completely cracktacular question. Anyway, the danger of the exam is that there are so many wrong ways to come up with an answer that is one of the choices, since they know all the ways we generally screw up. So, who knows.

Between exams, I actually managed to do some major work on my book review, sketching out the argument in more detail. I popped some cold meds, which didn't last too long and I felt a little hazy during the Health Ed midterm. But it was pretty easy, so I don't think it mattered.

I have one major set of points to make in my book report, but I'm fried, so I'll do it tomorrow after the epi exam. It's not due until 3:30, so I'll have plenty of time, but I do wish I had the stamina to finish it tonight, since I'd prefer to come home and nap. I have volleyball at 7pm, and I'd like to spend as much time at home as possible before that, but we'll see how it goes. It goes as it goes. I just hope epi isn't torture because I'm too tired.

I think the Sox are sufficiently ahead that I should go to bed. If they blow this lead, I probably don't want to watch it anyway.

Monday 25

I really enjoy how my computer just decides to stop working after its been on for a while. Namely, my beloved web browser (yes, I know I shouldn't use IE, fuck off) just decides to flake out. Poo.

The only stuff I have left to do for the quarter, besides take three finals, is for that class I hate. I got out some frustrations tonight by typing up an evaluation, because the hate I have to spew will hurt my hand if I try to write it out on the form. If I can just get through that crap, the rest is easy, since I'm all studied up.

New classes by the end of the week!

I'm trying not to let ridiculousness take over my brain, but ridiculousness is so compelling, given that it's not always off. But, busyness is also compelling this time of year, and not everyone slacks as much as I do. To my continuing disbelief.

I think I may be coming down with a cold... this is really not the time.

Mmmm, sleeping late on Monday. Lots of that in my future!

There was some study that came out a couple years ago that indicated that people who are the most incompetent at something are also the least aware of their incompetence. Which makes some sense; if you don't know what a task takes, you don't see how you're falling short. I think inconsiderate people are a specific case of this phenomenon. They're always doing obnoxious things that inconvenience or bother other people, and they have no frickin clue. But they're somewhow also the most sensitive people around when it comes to other people digging at them... maybe because they're so chronically incapable of understanding anyone else's point of view that they can't either cut people some slack or figure out why the other person might be saying what they're saying, if criticism is the concern.

This psuedocold has not fully materialized, but I certainly don't feel that hot. Also, I thought I had a whole bag of coffee that my grandmother had sent me, since I used up one of them, but it turns out the second one is decaf! Gah! So now I have to buy coffee.

People who don't email me back shouldn't be allowed to read my webpage! Get back to work, slacker!

This is definitely a cold. I predict the next two days will be extremely painful.

Also, this 5-page paper that must be written by Friday afternoon seems far more daunting than it did this morning, given how lousy I feel.

But it'll get done because it always does.

I'm feeling pretty isolated, on top of it all.

Sunday 24

Yay Red Sox!

Boo people signing off right when I go to say hi. :-(


That was odd... I was watching SNL, and Ashley Simpson was supposed to sing, but clearly she missed her lip synch cue and just walked offstage leaving her band to play until they cut to commercial. At least whoever was mixing the sound took out her voice pretty quick.

I actually got a decent amount done today. I went to the Farmer's Market and bought delicious foods. Then I went to the Dollar Store and Goodwill, the latter where I got some silverware, since I really didn't have enough. Then to the grocery store, woo. I finished studying epi, and did a little Biostats before the game was too occupying.

I'm too awake; there's no one to entertain me.

Yay, Bill turned on the heat, that cheap bastard! Heh, just kidding, I'm less tolerant of cold than he is, I'm sure.

Man, I love heat. I'm not wearing socks and my toes aren't cold!

There is a lack of Pats on my television, because the CBS affiliate showed the Ravens game, and that means they can't show the later Pats game, for esoteric reasons.

Heee, naughty kids...

Well, now it's like a tropical paradise in here. I'm in shorts and a t-shirt. I turned the thermostat all the way down, but it seems to have had no effect on the radiators. I'm gonna have to ask Bill about it.

Upon further review, I put it the wrong direction. It's sort of old and blurry, so I totally misread it. So now I hope I fixed it. I kept turning it up all day instead of down!

Friday 22

Taking a four-hour nap this afternoon was great! Though it meant getting up twice in the dark at 6:30 today.

Also, waking up with major soreness both times. In a new campaign to exercise, I went to the gym yesterday and shot some hoops. I was totally winded after like 5 minutes (I was shooting at all the baskets, to try to get some running in there), and today the entire right half of my torso is complaining since I have to use all those muscles to shoot. I'm such a weenie. But it was fun.

I went out to get some milk, and I ran into Roger at the Rocky Run. He was out there with the doggie and a friend. So on the way back I sat and had some coffee (so cold out the milk was fine), and then another friend showed and Bill did too. Crazy old guys.

The kids are at the Harvard Club tonight, before the Princeton game tomorrow. Ah, New York. What a sad town it must be this weekend.

I'm sort of at a loss without baseball. Maybe I should do some studying.

Thursday 21

I didn't believe it could happen. But it has! RED SOX!

I think "reverse the curse" really means not just erasing it, but that the yankees now possess it. I mean, what a collapse! I watched them destory the Sox on Saturday! But then, Sox all the way!

I'm watching the NLCS, and it's a good game, but it just doesn't have the emotional draw.

Maybe tomorrow night I will go to bed early, and Monday night too, so I can rest up on these non-baseball nights. I have my epi final on Weds morning... ergh, that's after game 3. But they're also giving us four hours to do a test that is much shorter than that, so I'm not that worried.

I wish I could have been in Cambridge last night after the game. The Band played, and it sounds like it was a complete party. And not as riot-tastic as the rest of town...

Wednesday 20


All the better to break our hearts with tomorrow.

I'm going to volleyball this week, sadly, but I should be home by 9:30, by which time either the Sox will have it lost, or there will still be tons of time for them to make the game close and tense and then lose it. Cynical? Me? Noooo.

Urgh, have to get up in 6 hours for epi. Poo. Let's see if I can get up tomorrow, unlike today when I fell back asleep for another hour and thus had 15 minutes to get showered, dressed, and out the door (I succeeded!)

GAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Why can't the game end here in the third!

I had volleyball, which we won, and when I left I peeked into the cardio room TV, and the Sox were up 2-0, and by the time I got home, they were up 6-0! And now the yanks have scored one, and so the Sox need to score about 57 more so I can feel less anxious. I don't think I or anyone else will believe this game is truly over until all the outs are in. And the stadium lights are off.

Also the NLCS final should be good tomorrow.

I am so tired, though! I have a problem set to finish also! Boo!

In other news, I got back my poverty class midterm today, and it was okay, better than some. It's such a crap ass class. They've taught us almost nothing in lecture, and yet they expected these really detailed answers for all the questions. Basically, it was like, yeach yourself stuff from the reading. Except the page limit for each question was 2 pages, but each question asked for 57 thousand things, so on everyone's papers they were like, you should have said more about blah, even though clearly no one had any space to do so. Furthermore, I noticed while I was answering that they were clearly fishing for certain answers, but I'm good at figuring that sort of thing out. But a lot of people were tripped up, and it totally wasn't their fault. Stupid, stupid class. Anyway, though, they've made it so that if you want, you can opt out of the final and just have your midterm count double, after jumping through some little hoop of outlining the final questions. So unless the final looks less heinous than the midterm, I'm opting out, because I don't feel like preparing a bunch of stuff just to get a bullshit grade because they're fishing for some crazy answer.

I still need to write my stupid book report for that class. This weekend... though the book report guidelines have the same problem of asking for 89 things in a 5-7 page paper. All of which have changed 11 times. I can't wait to evaluate this terrible class.

Go bats go!

*sigh* You know, I'm still bargaining. Yet, I can only control what I do, and I plan to change nothing. But I bargain, go through what about this? what about that? Could it work if this? But there are no answers that work, no answers that aren't just selfish at heart. And yet... it feels like a mistake to give up.

I wonder if I can just answer GO RED SOX for the two biostats questions I don't feel like answering. I mean, they *are* descriptive questions.

Tuesday 19

There is an example from TA seminar that I think is illustrative. We were reviewing scenarios that the real TAs had experienced, and one of them was about what you would do if a couple of students invited you to go out for happy hour with them. I said, no way, wait until after the class is over and avoid any potential for bias. To my surprise, some other members of the class thought this was too stringent and said that people our age should be able to keep separate social time from class time. And I felt like, how could you *know*? I don't trust anyone who has that much confidence in their own brain to tell them the truth about itself!

Uncertainty is the real issue. I feel like I'm pretty self-aware, but I don't have a comfortable level of certainty about my thoughts until they are past and I've seen how they led to actions and current thoughts. Current thought are less certain than past ones, and who can possibly tell what future feelings will be? I hate that! I have to make decisions based on my current feelings and some assessment of my future range of feelings, and it's an impossible game, because there is so much uncertainty about my current feelings and more noise than signal on my future feelings (I'll avoid a psych lecture on affective forecasting... the internet has enough info on that). Throw in the factor of anyone else's true current or future feelings, and I start to feel like I might as well do anything, because there's no way to tell what is right.

There's no way to determine "reasonable" or "rational" when you can't get the right data.

My old stats counter seems to be dead. Lame. But I got this new one. Whoever has my 2001 archive bookmarked, though, update it to this page! Join us in 2004! There's nothing for you in 2001!

Woooo baseball!

Monday 18

Yeah, so this weekend. I got to the airport in plenty of time to get myself on standby for an earlier flight, which got me into Harvard about 6, just before everyone got back from rehearsal. M and I went to John Harvard's for dinner, which was tasty, even though they did not put their blueberry beer into the sampler. After that, we went to the BR to not watch the game, which was rained out, so instead we went to Eliot and played Mario Kart. The new Eliot room is pretty great. The highlight is really Clark's room, which is actually a common room, and thus, unfathomably large. The rest of the rooms are good too, and there are no eves this year, so that helps. The common room is very nice. M and I split on the Mario Kart races. :-) I was just glad I could still play after such a long time!

Danny left work (at like 9:30!) and met us for some Uno's action. That was chill, and he may stay here on Thursday night, since he has this thing for work in DC, and Morgan is being a total loser for the law review and can't hang out with him. After Uno's, M and I went back to the BR, where there was lots of graffiti fun going on. And making fun of people who weren't there, muahaha. I finally left at like 2:30 or 3, to stay in Kirkland with Lee and Josh.

Except Josh was already in bed by the time we got there. I slept on the futon, where Lee often sleeps, and I had blankets covering me in the morning when Josh emerged from his room and decided to awaken Lee for marchdown. Except he thought I was Lee and shakes me a little saying, Lee, it's 10 til 8! I rolled over and he jumped, which made me giggle. He felt bad, but I thought it was funny. I was also pleased that I got to watch marchdown for the first time ever, though I can see how regular students might not be so excited by a marching band blaring by at 8:30 am.

Up at 10, I showered and headed to the tailgate. Danny, Damon and Kbrew had just gotten there, and while they had to park along the fence due to wet conditions on the field, they moved all their stuff to the dry part of the field. So it was just this big empty field with us circled in the middle, which was even more absurd when the band came and played for the four of us. Crazy kids.

The game was tied as I approached the stadium, but Harvard scored again as I enterd and proceeded to score many more times while Northeastern totally did not. I was watching the band's belongings at halftime when who should appear but Withers! He was also in town for game 3, as his dad worked his connections and got tix for the fam. He'd taken a redeye in. I caught him up on the Doxtader situation (congrats to her for $$ with her new MS job!). Then I pointed and made shrieks at the poop because DAMN YOU LOY YOU CAGEY BASTARD! Apparently staying to witness graffiti until 2:30 am is not long enough to avoid being made the subject of a whole page!

The game was fun, I marched back, and then it was time for baseball! After some dinner at Noch's, where M and I felt tired. The game was le crappy. I've never witnessed such a horrible sporting event in my life, and that may include all those terrible little league games in which I participated. At least those had a mercy rule! Also, not having seats blew, esp since it involved standing in front of a fence-like thing with the frigid wind blowing at us. But I was glad M was there to share the pain with me.

The first three innings lasted two hours! It was insane!

We moped back on the T, but once I got to the party, I was re-energized to shake my booty. *shake shake* It was another Catholic schoolgirls party, with smarmy professors thrown in for fun. Lots of "girls" in the crowd. Got to witness the froshies in action, and some folks (Sam) back to their froshie days (as Humpachu!). It was ridic.

But great.

Sunday, after a late brunch in Eliot, I sat around the boys' common room and watched the Pats followed by the NLCS game. I even got some homework done. Then there was the drill meeting, followed by an absolutely silly video that started out hilarious and ended up being incomprehensible. Back to Eliot, I tried watching the game until I was too tired to exist, which was, of course, right before the Sox actually won the thing. But that's okay.

Back this morning. Goodbye, goodbye, always goodbye, it seems.

But I feel happier this week, though I think it will be weird next weekend to be in Baltimore!

Me this afternoon: "Oh good, today's game is at 5, so it should be done early and then I can do work." Me now, at 10:30: "Gaaaaaahhhh, win already!"

Sunday 17

As highly anticipated, this weekend has been really great. Except for the Red Sox playing like utter crap. But everything that really matters is going very well.

Except for the part where I have to go back and live in Baltimore tomorrow!

Thursday 14

Another week almost over. I'm looking forward to this weekend much more than I looked forward to last weekend. Last weekend I was 1) stressed out from having a crapload of work just finished and yet still to do; 2) overwhelmed by the people I hadn't seen in ages and those I hadn't seen in 8 weeks and trying to talk to all of them; and 3) so tired I couldn't even drink, which is incredibly dead tired. This weekend, 1) I have not so much work to do, and actual time to do it; 2) everyone has seen me last weekend, and there are much fewer people to see, so I won't be so overwhelmed; and 3) there's time to sleep! Sweet blessed sleep!

So, yay for this coming weekend!

Another good thing about this weekend is tailgating instead of field rehearsal/band crap! Maybe the band stuff would have been more fun if I'd been away for a few years. As it was, I just wanted to tailgate. Tailgating is the best.

I'm all packed up. I'm such a good packer. One bag again, even with homework in there. But I also only had to pack normal clothes, even if for one more day, whereas last weekend I had band uniform (oh shoot, I do have to remember to bring back my band jacket/flask) and banquet gear.

I dunno if I mentioned this, but I got loads of compliments on my banquet dress. It was allegedly quite hot.

Tuesday 12

I know I'm easily annoyed. But, come one, I write up my question for a group project, someone comes along and edits, and dangles my modifier wildly off the end of the first sentence. I fix it, yet it remains! Grrrrraaaaaggggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!

People are so bad at writing! I hate group projects!

She may not be a subtle girl, but she is an effective one, no?

I'm feeling back on track.

Now if only the Sox would follow me to this track of rightness!

I feel kinda bad that I'm missing volleyball tomorrow night, since, hrm, something came up. If this something goes to 7, I'll have to miss next week too! I'm such a bad team member!

Monday 11

Sleep is good! I feel tons better this morning about everything, wildly optimistic, and I'm cranking through my work like a rock star. I'm halfway through the midterm, and I still have lots of time.

Midterm complete, article for class read, and lunch eaten, with time to spare! I am rawk!

Also, I have a course in mind. You can't go places without a strategy, and I had no idea I'd need a strategy, or maybe just denied that I might need one. So now I have a strategy. You can never go back, but you can grieve and move forward to the next stage. But it's active work, it won't just happen.

Mmmm, sleep. Got my Biostats problem set done, and some other crap, and now to sleep.

Sunday 10

So, the reunion. It was cool to see all the old crew, people I went to school with and older, since I haven't seen many of them in ages. It was awesome to see the band so huge and sounding great. The new fight song is righteous. The show went well. We won the football game. The banquet hotel was lovely, and the food was decent, esp the mushroom soup.

I wish the happinesses were intense enough to match the shortcomings of the weekend.

More maybe when I have some coherence.

I guess I just do things differently. I'm not inclined to suppress my feelings, to try to change them all at once. I'd rather assess them realistically, understand that they will change slowly, and work with them. Maybe I have too much free time, maybe I wallow, but I can't put away the music that hits too close to home, and I can't shut off my brain and get to work, and I certainly won't hurt anyone by avoiding how I feel and giving off the wrong impression entirely.

But the whole time, when I wasn't off with other people, I felt ill at ease, like I would push a little and get no push back, and that made me feel like I was trying too hard when I was barely trying at all. And that's when the crazies creep in, the little doubts of "could it be that I really didn't matter so much at all?" Which quickly leads to broad generalized fears beyond anything called for by the dynamic of the moment, but the specific point isn't even true, if I set aside the pessimist for a moment. The thing is everyone I ran into was pleased to see me, people I haven't seen in ages, people who only knew me as a baby freshman. It hardly makes any sense that my presence is so far less important in this case, despite how it feels.

But it feels awful.

I went to get some ice cream, and the evening is very autumnal. It was a nice walk, and that plus the afterglow of Bailey's flavoured ice cream makes me feel more optimistic that a new start is possible, this weekend can be worked through.

Since I was incredibly useless for the five hours after I arrived home, and since I am completely exhausted after halfassedly outlining one of four questions for my midterm paper due tomorrow, I'm going to bed and will probably have to stay home all day to finish it. This means I have to listen to epi and get the slides later, but oh well. Too bad I didn't do more of it before I left, but I really didn't expect to come back so utterly derailed.

Wednesday 6

Ow, my arms. Tonight was our first volleyball game. I haven't played since high school, and I was never really good. Though I have a pretty solid super arc serve still, and I have marginal ball control. We have two former serious players on our team, which is good because they're good, and one of them has been a ref so she knows all the rules, but it's not quite as good because it makes everything feel a little more serious and structured. But, it's okay, and they are certainly the exception than the rule as far as being good.

Also, we won!

Any Salon readers out there may have noticed a familiar name today amongst the letters in response to Rebecca Traister's gushy article about female friends. It would have been a perfectly lovely piece about the central importance of close friends during the single years, but then it completely devolved into this woman-only construction that annoyed the fuck out of me. My letter very briefly pointed out that male friends are super awesome too, but what I didn't get into was how much that story particularly irked me, since right now I feel so devoid of male friends in B-more. But I didn't want to sound sexist the other way by saying girls aren't all they're cracked up to be, so I just left it at, boys are good people too.

Ugh, I'm so tired... I was at school for over 12 hours today with the early epi and the late volleyball! I like the vball, but it does make for a late day. I also need to procure a new ice pack (my old ones broke) so I can bring dinner and lunch, since dinner at the hospital food court is not what I want to do very often. Blech.

I got quite a lot of crap done today, though. We have our second part of our group project for Health Ed. I made sure I got my own question this time, although it leads directly into the question that the girl I worked with last time has, and she went and wrote a draft of hers first, and I had to sort of tactfully redirect the entire response because it wasn't doing what it needed to do. Yargh. Then my response I mostly sent out, but most of the group is in DC for a conference, so they won't respond probably until the weekend, when I can't respond back. Yarg.

But, we got a 10/10 on the first part, and we worked our butts off to make it good, and Sarah said her group's paper had some major issues she noticed but didn't have time to point out, and they also got 10/10, so this isn't exactly a toughly graded class.

I haven't started the Poverty midterm. I'm so disenchanted with that class. The readings have been really detailed and involved, and then class is just useless. We don't even get a good summary of the reading! That would at least be worthwhile! So, if these midterms are graded harshly, I will have unpleasant things to say. Why should I feel invested in the class when the prof seems to be putting forth less-than-stellar effort?

Tuesday 5

The next week is going to be extremely crazy and busy, but I'm feeling a little better about getting my work done. I just gotta keep pushing.

Talked to M tonight for a while. Tom's up to his old tricks again of making the manager stress about things that are so not priority at the moment. Also, I realized something talking to M. Tom has been making scary predictions about all the shit that will hit the fan for years and years now, and all the while, students have been telling him that he's being unrealistic and paranoid. And you know what? Students have been right damn near 100% of the time! You'd think this would change his mind over time about what students actually know. But no, he persists in his scary little world, a world which is merely annoying and oppressive to the students. The band hasn't gotten in any real trouble in like 20 years, and yet we still have this bullshit.

I swear, it was just this spring I had a dream where I had to yell at him. That man has scarred me for life!

Him and Chak. I think I've had enough senile, hyperparanoid group advisors for one lifetime.

In other news, I completely and embarrassingly (well, clearly not that embarrassingly, since I'm sharing) blurted out a tuxedo-related inquiry near the end of the call. I'm sorry, can I help it if I like cute boys in tuxedos, even to the point where I may cross the line into quasi-objectification? ;-) I mean, I certainly could have made much worse tuxedoless-related inquiries. ;-)

In related news, I think the best part about these next two weekends will be the chance to be my loud, gross, funny self in all my glory.

Monday 4

So, before ALDS tickets went on sale, I was made aware that there was a lottery for these tickets. I entered, but I did not get into the ticket-buying pool, but my entry carried over! So I got into the pool for ALCS tickets! When I first signed up, I figured, even though I'm not in Boston, what the hey, might as well get in the pool and I can always sell the tickets to friends. But then today when I went to go buy tickets, I discovered, as I suspected, that I could buy a game for Saturday 10/16. And then, well, I wanted to go. So I bought a ticket from Airtran, and now I'll be in Boston two weekends in a row! I'll actually be there for longer the second weekend, leaving earlier Friday and not coming back until Monday.

I feel sort of bad because that's near the same time as the ACR meeting, and I'm not going to that. But I would have to miss lots more class to make that worthwhile, and here I'm only missing one epi lecture and spedning lots less time flying, and it's not San Antonio. So woo!

In annoying news, my cell phone, while getting 2-4 bars always at school, doesn't seem to like to make or accept calls from most areas. This is nonsense.

Sunday 3

It's amazing how productive I am when my head isn't throbbing all day... I got all my errands and housecleaning done (minus laundry, but Bill has had his stuff in there off and on all week), and now I'm rocking the homework. I need to really rock the homework a lot so next weekend's Boston excursion does not ruin me.

In addition to getting all those chores done, I also got in contact with the peeps for my two group projects, AND I finished my friggin poster for the ACR! Well, the draft at least, but that's the major part. I've been putting it off for a month or more now. Wooooo! Given how useless I was yesterday, I never could have guessed I'd pull out all the stops today and RULE MY LIFE. I even got some other homework done too, including hard-ass Biostats stuff.

Saturday 2

I rocked the heck out of my epi midterm, which was cool. Then I went home and napped and then went back for my last class. Afterthat there was a happy hour for the social/behabioral crew at this awesome place in Canton. It was like a beach! The outdoor area had sand and palm trees and torches... it was fun. One of the girls made a ridiculously nice cake, and I told her if she is strapped for cash sometime, she should sell such cakes. A bunch of us were going to go to the baseball game, but we heard it was sold out, so we decided to hang out instead. There were some biophysicist boys around, since one of them likes a girl in my grouop. It was so refreshing to have boys around to talk to and drink with! People who drink whisky! They're both from the south, and they were funny. I also met this new girl who is super awesome, and from Tucson. We bonded over missing our friends... she was living in DC, but decided the commute would suck, so she moved up here, but now that drive is seeming like a big barrier to go see her friends. We also bonded over not being able to figure out the rest of the words to this Moody Blues song, until I finally caught a thread of it and then we were singing it in the bathroom. It was funny.

Anyway, we ended up in Federal Hill, to the place I was supposed to go for the birthday a few weeks ago. It was hopping, and fun. I also saw the tail end of the UNM game on TV, when some glowing hot air balloons caught my attention.

Overall it was a fun evening, but my head really hates me for it this morning.

It's interesting, though, working out my likes and dislikes about people. I had more to say about that, but I felt it better to take that elsewhere.

At any rate, I am waaaayyy excited for the reunion next weekend. Looking at my schedule for next quarter, it looks like I will have my last class of the week ending Friday at 10:30 am, and my first class starting Monday at 3:30pm, so I'm thinking of trying to get in a long weekend or two up in Boston.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 When the music plays, I hear the sound I had to follow