Sunday 26


I did not have to do any kidnapping. Joe came back from NJ last night, and I retrieved him from the train station. We had dinner at Maggie Moore's and then passed out asleep on the futon like little children all in our daytime clothes. It was just too warm and cozy to stay awake.

Today I drove him to Whole Foods since he had no food in the apartment and he doesn't have a car. This, of course, just tempted him to buy more than he would have if he'd had to carry it all like he usually does. But I discovered that WF stocks Hatch in a can, so I bought some of that. He bought stuff to make me dinner, so after a few hours of actually accomplishing work, we went to my house to cook because my kitchen allegedly has more cooking implements. This did not keep him from finding many things he wanted that I do not have, like a giant bowl. But he made pesto with bowtie pasta, goat cheese and cherry tomatoes, and it was yummy. Yay boy who can cook. He seems to doubt my own ability to cook, however, which means I need to find a really kickass (vegetarian) recipe and rock that shit out.

While I was over at his place, I finally got the experience of the infamous hallway smell, in its highest form. It was definitely up there with the burned mouse crap of last December. Am had a mouse in her house, and she hadn't used the oven in a while. She was planning to make something, so she fired up the oven... and the worst fucking smell ever began to emerge. It was horrifying. Turns out there was mouse crap all around the oven between it and the counter space. Gew. So, that was bad, and the infamous hallway smell was pretty much on par with that. We spent a good part of the day trying to figure out just what could go on in an apartment to emit that kind of odor.

Tomorrow I need to finish the Honduras theater paper, get some articles together, and really, really get cracking on the thesis proposal. Shit, I also need to write a rec letter, even though I haven't gotten the submission info yet.

Friday 24


Yet another day not doing work. Instead I wwatched Grey's on my computer (since they had an ep yesterday, wtf), exercised, and then went shopping. Retail therapy. I managed to buy one entire small thing for another person, and everything else was for me. I got a pitcher, a bunch of shirts and a few sweaters, a fuzzy robe (which I am currently wearing, as Therapy Pt II: Snuggliness from Inanimate Objects), a couple books, and aforementioned small gift. Nothing was any more crowded than a regular Saturday, probably because I didn't venture out until afternoon, when all the crazies were back in bed.

Time for television therapy, lest I actually go kidnap boy from NJ.

Thursday 23


I think I might go back to posting here more regularly. As much as I surf other people's blogs and get fussy when they don't post, I sure do slack off on my own postage.

This morning I got up way too late -- 11 am -- and started the posole. It turned out fairly well, and I have leftovers. Ami and I went over around 1:30, but we had to return to her house to cook some veggies because the grill was busted that was intended for cooking. We returned around 3:30 and waited for the turkey to finish, because it was taking its damn sweet time getting up to temperature. But finally we gorged ourselves on a billion delicious foods, and then lots of pie. I finally got to try Ami's Derby Pie, which is pecans, chocolate chips and bourbon. Yum.

Afterwards I went to Ami's for a hot toddy. We watched The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human, which was pretty hilarious.

Cute phone calls are fun, but cute in-person conversations are better.

Wednesday 22


I've been useless at doing work so far this week.

So, let's see, what's been going on since last I really posted. Thursday night I had dinner with Joe, and it was lovely, and then he came over and "helped me pack," and then he left and I actually packed and got some sleep. Friday's flight to Boston was ass early, slightly delayed due to rain. There were a million Maryland fans on the flight going to the BC game, and I felt like I was going to attend the wrong game. I got in, bummed around the square a bit in the insanely warm weather, and then met up with Clark and Darryl for lunch at Darwin's. It was tasty. We went back to the BR and told stories of old timey days and cracked our collective shit up. People started coming in for rehearsal, so I grabbed a bus to my hotel in Medford to check in.

I stayed at the AmeriSuites in Medford which was right off the end of the 96 line. Kind of a haul, but the room was spacious and had free internet, so I was glad to have my computer (even though it didn't lead to me doing any work). I got back on the bus toward evening time, dropped in on JH's for Kate W's birthday party, and then headed to the Kong for some crustilicious times. There were about 30 alums who showed up, all told. Many of whom partook in too many scorpion bowls. I was just happy to get some General Gao's.

Of course, I wasn't as happy at 7:30 the next morning when I woke up with a gurgly stomach. But I survived and made it out to the tailgate. We couldn't have had better weather. Friday was too hot, Sunday was too cold, and Saturday was juuuuust right. Sunny and crisp, but not windy or cold. The only bad thing was that the field was disgustingly muddy, but that provided entertainment as various large vehicles got stuck and tried to get out. There were again loads of crusties. We went in for the second half. I got to throw flowers. Harvard got stomped in kind of an embarrassing way. And then after the game some douchebag wearing a Harvard shirt throws a cup of leftover water or Gatorage up at us. The theory is that this is the same asspipe in Adams who has been dumping water on the Band during marchdown. I was cleaning my glasses from this (really I should have jumped over the wall and beat his ass), when one of the lenses popped out and disappeared, never to be seen again. I had planned on getting new glasses -- the prescription was actually in my bag in my hotel -- but I had kind of planned to wait until returning to B-more. So I was kind of semi-blind for 18 hours. Anyhoo, that asshole should transfer to yale because he'd fit right in.

So, we had some post tailgating, dropped in for a cider at Shay's. Then I met up with a crew at Redbones for dinner. I behaved and got seafood and broccoli instead of a pile of meat. Afterwards we dispersed, being lame and old and tired. I didn't really feel like going to the party, because parties make me feel ancient these days. And I was too tired to drink or go out any more. I was content to return to my hotel room, watch Grey's Anatomy on the computer, and sleep adequately.

Sunday I checked out and headed straight to Lenscrafters. I got some hot new glasses and some sunglasses. I convinced myself that if I thought the sunglasses were an excessive expense, I have 30 days to return them. But they are pretty movie star, and I really ought to wear sunglasses with my fragile blue eyes. :-) Anyway, the new glasses are much more cat-eye than the old ones, and I like them better. Someone else liked them too -- boy nearly fell out of his seat when I saw him Monday, he was so overcome with my hot librarian look.

I had dinner with Court, Jack, Danny and John Sunday night before I left. Chambord is a tasty thing to put in a margarita. My flight was again delayed (for no reason, this time), but there were only 11 of us on the flight, so we all *had* to sit in business class. Too bad.

Yesterday I had lunch with a student, then dinner with Mihalyfy, who was in DC for a conference. We went to Helmand, which was amazing, as always. He was very appreciative of the charms of Baltimore, as I suspected he would be. He aparently likes Chicago a lot. After I dropped him off at the train station, I headed to grad night. There was a long discussion about Things That Are Irritating About Status-Quo Liberals, mostly centered around this idiot Halloween frat party that had some fairly racist overtones to it, and the even more incredibly idiotic response, which is to say we should have more diversity training and completely ignore the fact that there is crime and poverty and poor health in Baltimore because somehow that's racist. Yes, let's all be more sensitive over here while over there Hopkins is routinely letting neighborhoods decay so they can build a biotech park or some other thing that doesn't really help poor people. Anyway, Joe walked me home, which was only semi-pleasant because his disturbed ex called. Note to girls out there: you can't ignore a guy for 2 months and then expect him to take you back when you decide your life sucks and you think he's the solution to your pain, especially if he's moved on to someone who is not crazy. On the one hand I feel bad for her, because I've been in bad places before, and they're not full of reason. It's easy to fixate on simplistic solutions. On the other hand, bitch needs to stop calling or I'm getting the angry girl squad together and we're going to stomp her.

Anyway, yesterday Joe and I went to dinner at this Chinese restaurant downtown. The waitress was seriously the weirdest person I've ever had serve me food. Every time she brought something, she would linger and stare in the strangest way. After we ate and were finishing our wine, she asked us if we wanted dessert, and we'd said no. She returned a while later to ask us if we wanted a fried banana. Like, "Do you want a fried banana?" OUT OF NOWHERE. The other thing she did, that first tipped us off to her weirdness, was when she brought the wine, she showed it to Joe, who nodded his approval at the shiny label, and then she left for like 5 minutes before she came to open it and bring glasses. And then, when she opened it, it took her like 10 minutes to get the foil off. The entire time Joe and I are trying not to look at each other. I think she wanted to be our friend and hang out with us.

Last week I had complained to Joe that in the like one day I hadn't seen him, I was pouting around the house because I didn't have any chocolate. So, sweet boy that he is, he bought me a lovely box of chocolates. I'm such a sucker for that sort of thing.

He left this morning for Joisey, so I'm without boy for another weekend. Tomorrow I'm going to a grad orphans dinner with some of Ami's crew, so I'm going to make posole sometime between now and then. I need to hit the grocery store.

Tuesday 21


I can't get to bed. Troubled people get to me, even via another party.

I was happy, and now there's that touch of doubt I didn't need.

Boston was good... I'll try to catch up about everything later.

Tuesday 14


They're letting some boy who works for Dr. R. work in my office. Booo. I don't work in this room so I can listen to some boy talk on the phone about his broken database.


The new officemate is not so bad, although I had several coughing fits that I felt bad about with him in here. He works normal hours, so we won't overlap that much anyway, given that I can't seem to work at a decent time.

My advisor and I seem to be on the same page as far as my conceptual framework and the focus of the proposal, so I feel pretty good about launching ahead.

I took DayQuil to stop the coughing fits, which, along with tea and a banana, seems to have been effective. Except now I feel mega buzzy. I hate DayQuil.

Sunday 12


It's amazing how things can crawl along and then just zoom forward.

Saturday 11

My trip to Boston was pretty good... and I'm going back Friday for H-y. I got there last Friday night and vegged with Court and M, chatting and watching TV. Saturday I went down to the practice field earlier than I expected I would, hung out with the kids, noted how many new kids I didn't know, and gabbed with those I did. It was senior staff audition weekend, so that excitement was in the air. The old people went and tailgated once the beer arrived, which was fun and not all that cold (but also not all that warm). We spent the second half of the game in the stadium. After the game we went to Shay's for some hot apple cider with port... so good, I never would have thought to put port in cider. I left the older kids to hang out with the younger boys at Uno's. After dinner we headed to the BR to watch the endless drum major auditions, and by the time that was over I had a roaring headache and went back to Court's. I feel like some of the worst headaches I get are probably migraines... this one definitely had major light sensitivity and mild nausea attached. I watched 48 hours with Court's roommates. The show was about some kid they knew who hacked up his parents, and it was pretty creepy.

Sunday, Court and I went to the convention center for the opening ceremony at the public health annual meeting. I realized that I had not the conference badge but my APHA membership card, which had come in separate envelopes just to make things maximally confusing as I rushed to pack. It took a while to get a new one, but they didn't charge me for it, which was nice of the lady who helped me. I made it to the opening session in time to hear the main keynote speakers, so it was all good (and I decided to finally start reading Tracy Kidder's book about Paul Farmer, now that I've had the book a couple of years). After the opening, Court and I went around the fair a bit, mostly intimidated by the entire thing. The new convention center in Boston is absolutely giant.

Monday I headed out to the convention early. I tried to get in a good combination of oral sessions, posters and visiting booths at the fair. There was a lot going on at once. On the whole, I think I managed to get a good idea of what kind of jobs will be available after graduation, and there were more schools and companies involved in behavioral science/communication than I would have expected. I also visited the NMSU booth, where I was invited to their dinner cruise, but I had to go to our reception at the hotel instead, where we all crammed into a tiny room and had snacks that could not reasonably be called dinner. Who says I go to the snobby rich school anyway?

After the reception I met up with Danny and Court to celebrate D completing another actuarial test on his road to total actuary mastery. We went to Border, which I always forget about, but generally enjoy. Tuesday after the conference, I went to the hockey game, where we beat BC, and then D and Mike and I went to karaoke and watched election returns. I sang Heaven is a Place on Earth, which went over well. And the election returns also went over quite well. Count me among those who are both hopeful and skeptical that things will change.

Wednesday I went to the conference and then headed to the airport. I met up with a bunch of profs who were on the flight a half hour before mine, which turned out to be more like an hour and a half before mine since mine was delayed. I couldn't get on their earlier flight at all. Dr. K said you have to have PhD to pick the non-delayed flight. Upon my return to B-more, I caught the MARC and then a cab to TV Night, where I hadn't yet missed anything good.

Thursday I did nothing but catch up on email and the internet all day. It was wildly unproductive. Yesterday was mildly more so. I read a few articles, went to a friend's talk, and had an eye appointment. My vision hasn't changed a lick in three years since my last appointment (when it hadn't really changed since the prior appointment), and my eyeballs look healthy. My pupils were dilated for hours, causing my drug addicted- looking self to ponder why there aren't drops to reverse the effects of the drops they use to dilate.

Joe from grad night had invited me to go with him to a fundraiser that the grad org was throwing for MD Food Bank. We went to dinner in Little Italy first, which was delightful. The fundraiser was pretty fun, and I got to meet Joe's wacky neighbor, who was more well-behaved than normal, from what I've heard. After things cleared out we wandered down to Fells Pt in the lovely weather and sat around by the harbor for a while. It was good.

Today I have a sore throat, which either means I've finally succumbed to the billions of illnesses I swear I've been exposed to over the past week and a half, or I'm having some kind of extended reaction to the hookah smoke at the bar. Seriously, indoor smoking ban, now.

I need to get some work done!

Friday 3


Long story short, I lost my cell phone and had to buy a new one today, before I head to Boston this afternoon. I am putting cell phones in it from a list that appears to not have been updated in 2006, so if you changed your cell phone or gave me your cell phone this year, give me a call to make sure I have the right one.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 With a little proposal too