Sunday 31


Am and I spent a few hours yesterday shoveling the driveway around her car, all the way to the street, without a proper snow shovel. We had a regular shovel, which worked pretty well since the snow was heavy, and some brooms. It was right at freezing, so the rest of snow was slushy and sweepable after shoveling the bulk of it away. The street was a huge mess, however, so all our shoveling was more for future ease of leaving than immediate use. It actually still looks snowy in the street, since they haven't exactly sent a plow through. It's also ass cold out there, as the cloud cover has left.

After that we mostly just lounged and napped all day. I don't know what we're going to do today, but it will probably be pretty low-key. I think Am and I would be pleased to sit around and have people come over. Although they would have to park in the snow banks next to the sidewalk.

Saturday 30


It snowed more overnight! There's over a foot out there!

I don't think Am and I will be going anywhere for a while.

Friday 29


It's snowing again here. Like, a lot. It's 55 in Baltimore.

Thursday 28


Updates, updates. I did not get stuck in Vegas, despite the Sunport being closed when I was just about to get on the MARC to BWI. I called the airline, and of course no one could give me any useful information about the probability of my flight being cancelled. But they plowed and reopened and all was well. I was stuck in a middle seat for the long leg to Vegas, which sucked a lot, although I still managed to doze on the tray table for most of the way. Vegas was hopping when I got there, probably because I was in the America West terminal, and Vegas is AW's hub. I was lucky that my flight was all on time, because Pro and Em took the same flight a few days later and landed at 4:30.

Wednesday I had lunch with my dad at Padilla's, and then we drove around and looked at the pretty snow and the new development up by the mall. One of these outdoor mall things. We landed at his apartment, had some coffee and chatted, and then Am came to get me after work. We went to Copper Lounge for $2 drafts and cheap pizza, and I got to meet the law school posse. Thursday I worked on my proposal edits, and then Am and I went to dinner at the 66, Trader Joe's and Target. Then I talked to Joe, who, after a month of peace, once again had to contend with crazy ex calling and texting. She seems to have gone away since, but who knows when she'll pop up again.

Friday Am had off, so we did some Nob Hill shopping. Then there was an Academy young alumni thing that nobody knew about, because people definitely don't click links on emails. The only email I can find about it just has a link to the info, not the actual info. I gotta have the info in front of my face. Anyhoo, I got to meet the Alumni Council peeps and see a few other random folks. After that my sister and I went all the way to Coaches only to find that SJSU was using it as their headquarters for the Bowl game. The owner said that they weren't sure if they were going to get the basketball game on the satellite, but that if they could, Spectators could also. So we went all the way back to the NE Heights to Spectators. There was still quite a bit of snow up in the heights. At any rate, they didn't have the game on the satellite, so we just had to keep watching the score bug on ESPN to see how the Lobos were doing. They won! But then I think they lost the next night. Inconsistent.

Saturday was the inaugural New Mexico Bowl. After some wandering, Am and I finally found the tailgate. It was in a different spot than normal because the usual tailgate lot was full of official tents. I got to see my dad's cousin, who had not gotten us tickets because my dad totally never called him back to tell him whether we were coming. For future reference, we are always going to the Bowl game. The game was incredibly ugly, and the Lobos lost. The weather was much nicer than expected, however, which was great. Afterwards we went to the Frontier for some burritos and came home to veg and watch pervs get caught on TV.

Sunday was Christmas eve. Am and I had to pick up a few last-minute gifts, and then we had sushi downtown after the Talin Market taunted us with delicious Asian foods. We went to Am's law school friends' house for the evening. They live right on the luminaria tour path, so after eating lots of food, we waddled out to see the lights. We ended up at Pro's parents' house, where Pro had set up about a gajillion luminarias. It looked like a sea of light. The house has yet another room finished, and it looks great as always. There is only the library left, but I'm sure once that's done, it'll be time to start over. :-)

Sunday for xmas we went over to dad's sister-in-law's house for dinner and many, many games. Dinner was tasty, and some of the games were fun. Others were just sort of silly. But the gag gift exchange was once again the highlight. Mostly because at the end, we decided to open the last extra gift. They decided it should go to whoever had the lamest gift, which was a tossup between Am and I (pacifiers, animal crackers, respectively). I won the toss, so I got to open... a lacy pink thong! I think I turned several shades of red deeper than said thong. Exciting. So, that was funny.

I also got another Christmas present that morning, which was my proposal all commented from my advisor. I looked it over, and there isn't an insane amount to do, but definitely every spot where I decided to slack off he caught and told me I need to expand. It's going to be way too long once I do that, but, he didn't make any suggested cuts. I also need to start bugging people to be on my committee. I hate doing stuff like that. But R thinks the proposal is in great shape, which is excellent.

Monday I walked over to Nob Hill to get some exercise. The first store I went to had awesome ornaments for half price. I bought a bunch of those, and after that I got coffee and wandered without much purpose. It was great. I love shopping a little too much. Am blew by me in her car as I walked back home, and she didn't even see me, the bitch. ;-) I made pesto using the Boy's recipe and she made salad. It all turned out very nice. After that, I had a haircut with my sister's new hairdresser at the same place she's been going. I agreed that anything mid-neck or longer would be fine... I definitely ended up with mid-neck! When he made the first cut, I was like, OMG, that is short. But it turned out very cut, and now there's some actual style to it so it will grow out in more interesting ways. G and A came over afterwards and they shot at each other with the marshmallow guns Am got them. They left today, taking Roxanne with them, meaning that all these people spent entirely too short a time in ABQ.

Yesterday I didn't do too much, even though I had Am's car. We went to Copper Lounge again. Joe came down with the stomach bug that his dad and then his mom had, so he sounded a little sad. It seems like it's fast but agonizing and involves a lot of vomit. Yikes.

Today I should be doing work, but I am generally uninspired. We're going to dinner with my grandparents later.

Tuesday 19

Friday night Joe and I had dinner and went to see Casino Royale. I think I liked it more than he did. I think he was hoping for gadgets and explosions, and I liked the somewhat darker tone. Also, who needs explosions when you have that opening scene rocking it out with crazy acrobatics.

Saturday I managed to finish my thesis proposal draft, only like 3 months later than intended. But I think it's in great shape. R sent back a few comments on the beginning, so I need to put those in before Friday morning and send it back to him. After I finished, we went out with Joe's neighbor to a bar in Federal Hill, and I had a few. We were locked out of the apartment when we got home (silly boy left his keys inside), so we had to wait for security to come, and I chatted with my sister. I think that plus my tipsiness frightened the poor boy.

Sunday we went to Office Depot and Whole Foods (he really likes the grocery store), and he cooked dinner and we watched documentaries for our respective winter classes, because we are huge dorks. Yesterday I didn't do too much, then I had dinner with Ami. Boy came over when I got home, and I went to get my laundry from the machine. I pulled something out of the dryer and nearly fell over and died laughing. I brought it upstairs, barely able to breathe, and showed it to Joe. It was a teeny tiny little kid shirt... rather, it was a wool shirt that used to be normal size, but had since become comically small. I mean, wow, I knew wool could shrink, but dayum. I since have managed to stretch it out via internet instructions, but it may never be quite the same. I guess sometimes you have to take washing directions seriously.

Today we got up all sleepy, since we can never get to bed at a reasonable time with this boy who I swear is on a college schedule. I made oatmeal and did not wreck it any way, proving that I can, in fact, cook things. Then Ami and I went shopping, and since then I have been packing. I'm about to head out for this late flight home. I may very well get stuck in Vegas if the weather gets worse in ABQ, but I think that I'll miss the worst of it, and flights seem to be landing okay right now while it's snowing.

Thursday 14


I got some awesome wood candlesticks during the white elephant gift exchange last night. People brought pretty good stuff this year, although that made it less comical than last year.

I needed to get some shopping done before the weekend, so I went to Towson today. I apparently had the same idea as everyone in the greater Baltimore area. It was like fifty times the traffic and chaos of Black Friday. And they were redoing the road by the shopping center. I had a rough time shopping; I wanted to get a variety of things without spending too much, but each thing felt like it broke the bank. I eventually pulled through and got a relatively satisfying mix, but it took all damn day. Next year I'm going to start at a reasonable time and do it online.

My arm also still hurts on the TD shot side. Ouchies.

I discovered that the Toys R Us has been conpletely converted to the baby version. I have no idea where people in Baltimore buy toys, because there is not actually a toy store at the mall. They have to go to KB in White Marsh, I guess.

Wednesday 13


Yesterday morning I got up ass early and went to join the HCMD for a White House Tour. Boy opted to sleep a reasonable number of hours and not come with me, which was probably smart of him, considering the tour is like the shortest thing ever. It took like 40 minutes and that was with a fairly large crowd slowly moving through. If there hadn't been the crowd, it might have taken as little as 20 minutes. I was also pretty underwhelmed by the Christmas decorations. But, I got to see a student who had been in my discussion group -- neither of us realized we were in the same class at Harvard. After the tour, I bummed around the are a bit before heading back to Union Station and bumming around there until my train.

Today I had a doctor's appointment, which included a tetanus shot and a flu shot in separate arms, but which did not include a pap to my great happiness. It hasn't been a whole year since the last one, so I got away with a scrip and no exam. Woot! It seems that UHS hasn't implemented the new CDC recommnedations for routine HIV testing, as I was not asked about it. I know, I'm a giant nerd for going to the doctor and assessing their compliance with recommendations. But at least in the new office they have 3 full-time physicians/NPs, so appointments are way easier to get in a reasonable time frame.

Tonight is the department holiday party. I don't think I complained about this yet, and it's not really a complaint, but the dept is charging $15 for guests, which is only half the price per person, but still. I decided to forego bringing boy because I figured the price would keep away other guests also and it would be kind of an insiders party. Not that it matters terribly, I guess. Anyway, I'm going with Danielle instead. :) It should be fun; last year was really nice.

Monday 11


It's the Monday update!

I didn't finish my proposal, and my advisor left without me having a chance to talk to him at all. But I vow to finish this damn thing this week so I can goof off this weekend.

So, highlights from last week. Thursday night Joe and I went to see the Monument lighting. We were on the south side, which isn't as good as the east side (the "front"), but it was still cheesy and great. We also hit up the Walters for cider. Afterwards we tried to go to Iggie's, but it was mad crowded, so we went to Dukem, which was completely uncrowded. Yay Ethiopian food! We had a nice leisurely dinner.

Friday I drove to school so that after I could pick up boy and go to Lynn's birthday dinner at Egyptian Pizza. I hadn't been there, but it was pretty tasty. There were lots of folks there, so many that I had to make a special visit to the other end of the table coming back from the restroom so I could talk to those folks. My dear drank not a lot of wine, but he's a delightful lightweight, so he was hilariously goofy. When we got home he napped and then we watched TV for a long time. He always makes me stay up so late.

Saturday we bummed around and did work, and then we went out with his classmate/neighbor. We went to Amicci's, thus ending our string of going out for dinner as we realized we're both poor grad students. It was tasty, though, and then we hit a couple of Irish bars and I mocked Joe for not knowing the last thing about sports. Yesterday we worked some more, and then we went to Whole Foods. Joe made tacos for dinner with this faux meat mix. I think I might have mentioned that he's a vegetarian, because ever since he was a kid the idea of eating dead animals disgusted him. But he doesn't mind meat-like foods, so I've been exposed to a variety of new substitutes. This stuff was called Fantastic Taco Filling, and it was extremely tasty. I pretty much never cook beef, but I would definitely eat this stuff. He also introduced me to veggie meatballs at some point, which were tasty. AND it turns out that soymilk is pretty delish (he buys Silk), which I don't remember being the case from the one time I tried it. It's delightfully nutty.

So, it was a lovely weekend. But now it's the week again and I have to do work.


Work isn't going too poorly. If I can keep up this pace and get some more hours in, I should finish by the end of the week.

In my tests of the range of soy milk, I made hot chocolate tonight. It's pretty good, although the nuttiness overwhelms the chocolate a bit more than I'd like (this is Ghiradelli too, so it's less sweet). Maybe Vanilla Silk would work better.

Monday 4


Saturday we walked down the the Habor from Joe's and watched the boats... some of them were pretty decked out. It was chilly, but not so bad. We decided to be lazy and go to Uno's. After we shared a pizza, boy decided to go look at the nutritional info on the computer there, despite my insistent protest that he really did not want to know. Alas, I was right. You're supposed to look at that *before* you order, not after you eat!

We headed to Fells and met up with the birthday crew. I should have brought the old yearbooks. :-)

Sunday we went to Arundel so Joe could get some pants. Then we went to Giant so he could get some fruit (and I could buy apples, since I blew off the farmer's market again this weekend), and went by my house to get my laptop. Then we went to his place, worked for a while, and then he made dinner. After dinner we tackled his messy, messy desk, and I learned that we are total opposites in how we manage large stacks of paper and how we clean them up when they get messy. I will sometimes end up with a messy swamp of papers under my table, but eventually they end up in a stack. The first thing I do when I approach a mess is stack, sort, stack: get things into a gravitationally-stable pile and start sorting into other piles. Recycling, dissertation, class one, bills, etc. I might not file things right away, but I have files. Joe's desk was like an ocean of paper, books, notepads, and assorted other things. His method of cleaning is to look through each item one by one and decide whether to chuck it, or, in this case, put it in the dissertation journal article pile. if it wasn't either of those things, he would chuck it aside in some other part of the desk ocean. It was like he was allergic to making piles. He also didn't start at one part of the desk and plow through things in order, nor did he extract categories of things from the pile (now I will remove all the books I see and put them on the book pile). This is what I would have done. He kind of circled around the desk in what seemed like no particular order. This is also actually how he goes grocery shopping. I go up and down the aisles in order; he sort of makes laps and backtracks and rebacktracks.

So I was totally entertained by what I saw as a completely alien way of cleaning a completely alien-looking desk. He started to fatigue, but we really had a lot of gravitationally-unstable mounds that I felt needed to get into little stacks lest all our work be for naught. So I started kind of shuffling papers into neat piles, and then sorting the piles into categories of stuff like notebooks, journal articles, and other crap. He only protested a little that I was cramping his "method." I eventually wrangled the remaining papers into a few stacks for later sortage, and there was visible desk! Then things got giddy. I found a foam cover to an earbud that was totally dusty, and I showed it to him and asked, "Do you have any intention of sticking this in your ear?" and then chucked it. This lead to like 10 minutes of uncontrollable laughter. That was followed by me picking up pieces of hair off the now cleared desktop with some tape in a way that was just funny to him and got us both cracking up. So cleaning can be fun after all.

I'm not getting a lot done today so far, but I think my schedule is just going to be shifted again this week. I want to get this proposal done in the next few days, and it really has to be done before the weekend when R leaves for the holidays.

Saturday 2


The Soc party was pretty fun. The food was great, and I talked to plenty of folks while Chatterbox worked the room. :-) Yesterday's weather was insane: when I left the house, it was almost 80 degrees out (making the sweater I was wearing feel like ick) and windy, but by the time we left the party it had rained and it was cool and springy. By the end of the night it was wintery cold, and today the weather report says it's ass cold. Great. Tonight we're supposed to go watch the lighted boat parade and then hit Red Star for the birthday fun, so I guess I better dress warm but in layers.

Friday 1


I finished the Honduras rewrite and a recommendation letter this week, and did some reading for the proposal as well as some cutting and pasting. Today is a wash... I stayed up too late watching Grey's Anatomy, which was on after all the late shows because they showed the Ravens game here during primetime. So I got up late, and I'm going to the Soc Dept holiday party with Boy at 4. That should be interesting. Then tomorrow is Roxanne's delayed birthday party, which should be fun.

HPM folks were hatin' on me for missing happy hour today. Jealous bitches. :-)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Six nights alone