Raised by: Dominic in mail.
Discussion: Dominic: When I posted the initial version of the TTS extension API on the chromium-extensions list, the primary feature request I got from developers was the ability to get sentence, word, and even phoneme-level callbacks, so that got added to the API before we launched it. Having callbacks at ssml markers is great, but many applications require synchronizing closely with the speech, and it seems really cumbersome and wasteful to have to add an ssml mark between every word in the source document, when what the client really wants is just constant notification at the finest level of detail available. Any chance you could add a way to request more frequent callbacks?
Michael: We've talked about this in the group and support the custom parameters to ask for it in non-standard ways and support the speech-x events to receive the non-standard events. We could work to standardize this in at least two ways. First we could have some high level intent about how frequent you want mark-like callbacks ("never"|"marks-only"[default]|"frequent"|"extreme") or we could go about standardizing parts of speech, phoneme, visime, etc. and allow asking for any and all of those precisely.
Resoltion: Leave as is for now. Submit as an issue to SSML/VBWG.