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Jeremy Condit
jcondit at gmail dot com |
(I look a bit different these days.) |
I work for Google in the Kirkland, WA office. It's great here!
In a former life, I was a researcher at Microsoft Research, where I worked on the HAVOC, a program analysis tool, and BPFS, a file system for phase-change memory.
Before that, I was a graduate student at UC Berkeley, where I worked on Deputy, a tool that uses dependent types to improve type safety in C programs, as well as Capriccio and CCured. I was advised by George Necula.
And even before that, I was an undergraduate at Harvard and a software engineer at Tellme Networks.
I'm thrilled to be married to Kristin!
Dynamically Replicated Memory: Building Resilient
Systems from Unreliable Nanoscale Memories
Engin Ipek,
Jeremy Condit,
Edmund B. Nightingale,
Doug Burger,
Thomas Moscibroda
Best Paper Award
Better I/O Through Byte-Addressable, Persistent Memory
Jeremy Condit,
Edmund B. Nightingale,
Christopher Frost,
Engin Ipek,
Doug Burger,
Benjamin Lee,
Derrick Coetzee
SOSP 2009
Unifying Type Checking and Property Checking for Low-Level
Jeremy Condit,
Brian Hackett,
Shuvendu K. Lahiri,
Shaz Qadeer
POPL 2009
Type-Preserving Compilation for Large-Scale Optimizing Object-Oriented
Juan Chen,
Chris Hawblitzel,
Frances Perry,
Mike Emmi,
Jeremy Condit,
Derrick Coetzee
Polyvios Pratikakis
PLDI 2008
Beyond Bug-Finding: Sound Program Analysis for Linux
Zachary Anderson,
Eric Brewer,
Jeremy Condit,
Rob Ennals,
David Gay,
Matthew Harren,
George Necula,
Feng Zhou
HotOS 2007
Dependent Types for Low-Level Programming
Jeremy Condit,
Matthew Harren,
Zachary Anderson,
David Gay,
George Necula
ESOP 2007
UCB Technical Report EECS-2006-129
SafeDrive: Safe and Recoverable Extensions Using Language-Based
Feng Zhou,
Jeremy Condit,
Zachary Anderson,
Ilya Bagrak,
Rob Ennals,
Matthew Harren,
George Necula,
Eric Brewer
OSDI 2006
Thirty Years is Long Enough: Getting Beyond C
Eric Brewer,
Jeremy Condit,
Bill McCloskey,
Feng Zhou
HotOS 2005
CCured: Type-Safe Retrofitting of Legacy Software
George C. Necula,
Jeremy Condit,
Matthew Harren,
Scott McPeak,
Westley Weimer
TOPLAS 27:3 (May 2005)
Data Slicing: Separating the Heap into Independent Regions
Jeremy Condit and
George C. Necula
CC 2005
EAPLS Best Paper Award for ETAPS 2005
Capriccio: Scalable Threads for Internet Services
Rob von Behren,
Jeremy Condit,
Feng Zhou,
George C. Necula,
Eric Brewer
SOSP 2003
CCured in the Real World
Jeremy Condit,
Matthew Harren,
Scott McPeak,
George C. Necula,
Westley Weimer
PLDI 2003
Why Events are a Bad Idea (for high-concurrency servers)
Rob von Behren,
Jeremy Condit,
Eric Brewer
HotOS 2003
The Vaccinia Virus Bifunctional Gene J3
(Nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferase and Poly(A) Polymerase Stimulatory
Factor Is Implicated as a Positive Transcription Elongation Factor by Two
Genetic Approaches
Donald R. Latner, Ying Xiang, Jackie I. Lewis, Jeremy Condit, and
Virology 269(2): 345-355, 2000
I've taken several years of Japanese language courses, courtesy of Berkeley's excellent Japanese Language Program.
I enjoy snowboarding in Tahoe, most often at Squaw and Northstar.
I love to juggle. Check out the Berkeley Juggling Club if you're interested, though I haven't shown up in years.
Interactive fiction can be lots of fun. In particular, I recommend poking around Zarf's web page, which has a number of extremely well-crafted games (my personal favorite is "Spider and Web") among numerous other diversions. I once wrote a z-code interpreter called Zeal.
Grabscrab is an entertaining and incredibly addictive Scrabble variant. I'm also fond of board games such as Settlers of Catan and Puerto Rico, not to mention the age-old game of Go.