i am tired.

on days when i am super-tired, like today, without fail, i do one incredibly stupid thing. the last time i was tired i ripped a huge hole in my favorite sweater. the time before that i lost my portable cd player. the time before that i locked my keys in my car. the time before that i ripped the driver's side mirror offf my car going down my driveway.

and so forth. one error per time, like clockwork. for a hypothetical god, it must be quite morbidly fascinating to watch me. because, like a Doomed Romance Novel, you know the hero is going to screw up. you just don't know how, or when. you don't know whether he will lose his digital camera (dec 30, 2002), or get a 3/8 on a math competition which he got a 7/8 on the other three times he took it (jun 1, 1995).

now, i know this. i don't do anything risky when i'm tired, i'm extra-attentive when driving, i know that this is the time of life when my veneer of invulnerability is a bit less dent-resistant than usual. and yet, every time, i do something unbelievably stupid. so i try not to do anything. ANYTHING. because if i try to install something, i'll end up erasing my hard drive. if i try to do math, it will invariably be wrong. if i buy a cd it will suck. if i write someone an email it will be inept.

and yet in spite of this, i am drawn to error like the moth to the proverbial flame. i wonder what's going to happen today. maybe i should just go home and go to sleep.

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