day five. it was a good day -- when i came to new york i thought there would be substantial parts of my life missing, such as board games, bridge, and good weather. well, no bridge, but i got the other two out of three yesterday -- the weather was positively california-worthy, and i had dinner with my friend meredith and played board games with her and her (now my -- transitivity is the bomb) friend robin. and stayed up late talking. in a way it was just like college, no doubt accentuated by the fact that we shared the same college experience -- i used to do this all the time, stay up until six in the morning talking with someone i'd just met. well, not all the time, but when i fondly remember college this is definitely in the foreground.

and i also got some work done, and heard some fun stories about russell crowe, and most importantly, i once again avoided a calamitous breakdown. it even seems likely that i will avoid this for the entire duration of my stay here, which would be quite objectively improbable. of course, as the sleep deprivation adds up, pretty much anything can happen (i'm still waiting for my first good night of sleep since the move.) i think i might go back to california for a weekend at some point.

but anyway, a fun evening, a new person, puerto rico, and a night crashing on robin's floor away from my mom and the apartment quagmire. day five.

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