day three. (last night the wireless i steal while at home was out, so no entry then.) it was actually quite a good day, which is of course not at all uncorrelated to the fact that i spent very little time in the apartment. i got an office, but, more importantly, i got to see danielle. danielle, along with the 24-hour ubiquitous subway system, is the main reason why this trip to new york will not be entirely worse than my life would have been over this period in california.

i've always thought it would be cool if danielle and i were actually in the same place as adults living normal lives, which had never happened before yesterday. i went over there for dinner, and spent it with three amazing people: danielle, her fiance dave, and their friend bonnie. i'd always thought that danielle's friends in new york, none of whom i'd ever met, would be really cool, and bonnie certainly was. so we hung out, chatted, and it was just a fun, fun evening. my kind of people. and i wasn't really having a crisis about this (let the chips fall where they may), but it turns out that even in my new york-addled, allergic, sleep-deprived state, i can at least sometimes carry on high-level conversations, at least sometimes be my dynamic state. i don't think i'm ever going to be 100 percent in these two and a half months, but 90 percent me can still be on, and 90 percent me on is still enough to make me happy with myself. which is nice.

of course, the whole evening, transported to california, would have been even better -- primarily for weather reasons, as new york these days is hot and sticky. but still, day three was my first day in new york which was (substantially at that) better than my average day in california. so there's hope.

day three.

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