i'm sitting in my office with the wilderness right outside my window. it's a fine place to be; i can't see the wilderness, because it's dark and there's a few feet of pavement in between, but this second-floor aerie is on the edge of civilization, and it's a comforting thought.

i've been in my office four of the last six days now, at non-standard times, both weekend days and the last two nights. it baffles me that no one else is here. even in academics, where the time you work really doesn't matter, people aren't around even at the finely normal time of eight pm. counting last wednesday, in these five not-terribly-weird times (evenings and weekends), i have seen a total of one other person here.

of course, it's entirely possible that my colleagues are burning the candle at home, and simply aren't here because they know no one else is. as for me, i've been getting a lot of work done, and gaining a new appreciation for the revision process.

the revision process and me have never been friends. i never revise anything you see here; i have never revised a non-business email (and rarely business e-mails, usually when i realize something i've written is flat-out wrong.) when i wrote papers in college, i revised maybe one-third of them, and those not extensively (not counting the forced revisions in expos.)

but i'm starting to like it, as i become a more refined person. the papers i've been revising this past week are simply so much better than before i put in the effort -- the one was good but has turned into incredibly well-written, and the other was unreadable and has become passable. it's a curious transition and i can't help but wonder if it correlates with other personality changes i haven't noticed yet.

life is good, balanced, variant. i've had a good week -- i guess this is one of those entries that merely caters to the crowd who is here to keep track of me, and not the crowd who is here to think. the math people at this program seem overall awesome, and i'm looking forward to the next five months from that angle. on the one hand, there are a few people (you know who you are) i wish i could spend more time with; on the other hand, i suspect that in my current mature state, if i spent more time with them, i would simply bore them anyway, so no worries.

really i've had very continuous thoughts over the past week, you see. no even minor epiphanies. nothing even that i've been thinking a lot about, unless you count the mathematics. i'm absolutely happy, but that's hardly a redeeming quality to interact with. even that equilibrium i'm pretty at peace with; the kite is there for me, to spend a couple of hours with in the wind.

or maybe i'm just going crazy.

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