okay, facebook is creeping me out. i got a bizarre "you might know this person" today. this person is someone i went on one date with, off of okcupid, something like 4 years ago. we have no mutual friends and have nothing in common social circle wise (i guess this could have changed in 4 years, but we don't have the same demographics really -- she's art-inclined -- and i don't see why it would have.) how does facebook know? even if it were spying on me, i don't write about her, certainly not by name, it's not something that's ever on my mind, i can't imagine i've ever mentioned her in my gmail.

but that's not the weirdest part. i went to the "all suggestions" page. i have no idea if it's him -- in fact, i suspect it's not -- but one of the 27 people here has the same name as my landlord in minneapolis. this is not even a remotely common [sur]name -- i've never known or heard of anyone else with this name. i'd be surprised if i ever mentioned him by name on the web; he was rather unscrupulous and i tend not to slander people publicly. so even if google is scouring, i don't know how it could come up with him. (searching for his uncommon surname and my own turns nothing relevant up.) i mean, seriously, what the hell? i guess it's just an oddmatch, but it seems really weird to me that it hit these two places. (most of the other people on the page seem reasonable, although there are certainly random turks scattered around -- well, one, anyway.)

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