so i think i've done the equivalent of spraining my brain. all i know is that over the past several days, i've been exhausted, had a lot of difficulty staying asleep (to go with my usual difficulty falling asleep), irascible, prone to emotional meltdowns, all that good stuff.

here's the thing: when you sprain your ankle or something, it's obvious that you should stay off it. it's obvious that you shouldn't walk, shouldn't irritate it, and you get crutches to take the pressure off your ankle, to stand in for it. when you sprain your brain, this doesn't exist. i need to stop thinking, but i can't stop myself from thinking (my other curse.) and furthermore, it's not apparent to other people (the way that limping would be), so they engage my brain.

and the cycle just continues. i guess this is an instance of mental illness, not physical illness, being the sick tendency that i have. it's hard to fix a sprained ankle if you keep walking on it, and i'm finding it quite hard to fix my sprained brain while i keep thinking on it. i'm not really sure what the solution is here; even if i were to forcibly put myself in a position where thinking was unnecessary, i'd still think (as i've been doing this afternoon.)

i can deal with the emotional meltdowns -- barely, and with the help of friends, but i can, i've seen them before -- but i'm honestly not sure how to attack the root cause of my sprained brain, especially given that medical science on this front is not exactly precise. i guess painkillers (?) and sleep (difficult) are something resembling an answer.

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