i've reached the point where my blog entries of january 17 through 23 seem ridiculous, which is a good thing. one of the strange features of life, which i really must learn to keep in mind when it's dormant, is that huge random things happen astonishingly frequently. people waltz into your life, you have epiphanies, you develop hobbies, you find a song you really really like.

the last is currently making me really happy. for a while now (4 years?) i've been trying to have this epiphany, that i don't need to get worked up about things or micromanage, that i should just relax and not think all the time and let life take care of itself. and i think i'm closer than ever, the similar california ethos once again surrounding me. paradoxically this new philosophy will probably eventually result in me working harder, not that this says much.

some things are really not so complicated. maybe part 2 of my .plan (EDITOR'S NOTE: at the time, my plan read: "1. find my soulmate; 2. ?????; 3. live happily ever after") will just fill itself in naturally. who knows. but i'm here in my apartment, which makes me happy, and this "stephanie says" song, which makes me happy, feeling very yuppie and content. and you know what, if i end up on this couch with a clear mind just relaxing and listening to this song for the rest of my life, that's really not so bad.

people of the world, relax.

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