amazing moment tonight. after coming home from another wonderful weekend in seattle, i was driving back along 101 (tangent: i've discovered free convenient weekend parking in san jose, let me know if you want in), which i conceptualize as hugging the bay and curving, but which is actually quite straight. anyway, as i was driving back, the moon was rising right there in front of me, big as a silver dollar, except it was almost new. but there, at the bottom, there was a tiny giant crescent of moon, and while i know the physics of moonlight, it was hard not to conceptualize it as the moon peeking out the shadows, or as a dark circle almost entirely blocking a light circle. and it completed the relaxathon, which, heading into another ops week, i may badly have needed.

almost 4 months into 2009. i'll give it an un-grade-inflated b-minus thus far, but, against my better judgment, i have high hopes for the rest of it.

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