i've noticed some interesting unconscious behavior on my part: i run a lot more yellow lights than i used to. this is interesting, because it makes perfect sense: now that i have a real job, the fine from getting a ticket is worth less, and my time is (theoretically) worth more.

it's weird, though, because my unconscious is what's making this reflex decision. i didn't make a conscious decision to run more yellows; it just started happening. i've noticed similar behavior in the past in the other direction, of course: when i'm depressed i drive worse, not really because i'm distracted as because i just don't care as much about my life. it's subtle probabilistic self-destructive suicidal behavior, just like smoking or overeating or other things that people do when they're stressed or unhappy or whatever.

but the running yellows seems to be a particularly unemotional case of my unconscious being affected by changing conditions in my life. i don't feel more aggressive or more risk-loving in general (in fact just the opposite should be true; i'm very very happy and therefore presumably more risk-averse than usual); it's just that money is worth less to me now, so i speed through yellows blithely.

i suppose you could argue that the real danger of running yellows is not police apprehension but straight-up safety. i kind of don't buy that though.

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