so i'm in st. louis for bridge nationals. i've played pretty well for the most part. the interesting thing is that i'm just flat exhausted. certainly lack of enough sleep (although nothing dramatic as of yet) is a factor, but i think life is just harder now than it used to be, and i think i've regressed.

i put a lot of pressure on myself to be perfect, which i think is most of it. people always tell me, you don't have to be perfect, nobody's perfect, you can't expect to be perfect. but the thing is that I USED TO BE PERFECT. okay, obviously the objective parsing is that when i was younger i thought i was perfect because i was too cocksure to know the difference. but when i was younger, i would have come up with a better wording for that last sentence than "objective parsing" and "cocksure."

i guess part of the breakdown is that i now have this quantitative hobby, bridge, which i guess it's unrealistic to think i am going to be one of the top (say) 100 players in the country at in the 2.5 years i've been playing. i guess i've never really had such a measurable hobby before; i mean, i got really good at various board games quickly, but i didn't start playing them against people who had been playing for 20 years. there are no professional puerto rico players. (i guess i wouldn't bet money on that.)

but still, i really think that on some level, it's true that i used to be perfect. and i'm not anymore. emotionally i'm a lot more troubled by things, a lot less carefree. of course, this is part of maturing and becoming an adult, which has some upside, but i don't think it's really an upside that fits with my "core" personality, whatever that means. i think that fundamentally my skill set/personality/likes and dislikes suit a child more than an adult. i think that's why the transition to adulthood is so difficult.

i find myself thinking more and more of Plan B recently. during my last emotional breakdown, i was talking to laura and this idea of a Plan B came up, something you could do rather than kill yourself if you just wanted to get away from things. my Plan B is to become a farmer or a forest ranger or something like that. maybe i just need a job where i don't have to think about things, by which i really mean a lifestyle where i don't have to think about things. where there aren't mistakes to be made to care about so much.

but i don't think i'll ever really do Plan B. i don't know that i'm capable of not thinking about things anyway. i really, truly, honestly believe that the best solution is for me to be perfect again. i know that sounds naive and impossible, but i did it once and i can do it again. i really have devoted a great deal of thought to this.

but it scares me because i no longer have the confidence that that's possible. i've been through the wars, after all.

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