a friend writes, and i hope she doesn't mind if i quote:

So it seems like you're happy with life, which is good to hear.  I'm
imagining this because you haven't been updating your site for a couple
months now, and in my experience people write much more extensively when
they're down.  So whatever it is (and feel free to satisfy my curiosity),
I'm happy for you.

it's true, of course. i am happy with life, and people don't write nearly as much when they're happy. in my case, though, i believe that i haven't been writing because my life is getting more boring. i don't write here much about events in my life because i don't want to repeat myself and that stuff goes into emails. so what you get are the random catharses and sparks and there are simply fewer life-changing events when you're happy and stable and boring-ish.

i'm starting my professoring of abstract algebra tomorrow and i'm nervous. but my most pressing concern is that i bought a gallon of skim milk today, and it really doesn't taste (by which i mean texture) like skim. i think it's misbottled 1%. but i have no idea how to quantitatively test this. any thoughts? i guess now that i've let the cat out of the bag i can't really do random taste tests.

other than the milk quandary, not much is new. over the past three months, everything has held roughly steady: my social life and corresponding time pie chart, my hobbies, my musical tastes, and so on. i guess i moved in mid-november to a much nicer third-floor studio with a west-facing balcony. it's all part of the process of becoming an adult which i find myself going through rapidly.

i think i'm going to bring back my translation project; it's lots of fun. then again, i think a lot of things.

not much else to report.

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