it's been a while, and it may be another while before i speak to you again. you see, i have this biannual (by which i mean every two years) accidental tradition of doing national novel writing month, and even though i'm spending 10 days in hawaii during this particular november, i have had this plot idea in mind since june (you'll have to read the novel or ... ask me ... to find out), so i am not about to skip it. plus writing a novel lends purpose to my life.

i'm also planning to try to get involved in nanowrimo gatherings this year. i think this will fail. i tried this in minneapolis and it failed. you see, these people already have a community, and i am notoriously bad at becoming part of a community. or for that matter introducing myself to people. and as far as i know, i don't have a nanowrimo in. this would all be much easier if i had a nanowrimo buddy, or at least someone who wants to go to these gatherings and pretend to be doing nanowrimo. i guess this is a shameless advertisement for the position.

but anyway, the novel will probably take up most of my words for the next month. not that my life is doing anything to merit them; mostly the reason i haven't blogged in a month is that very little has happened. in human emotion today the professor mentioned that one tends to take on the personality traits of one's roommates, and maybe that's part of what's going on; brad is very stable and even-keel, and maybe i'm becoming that way myself. certainly i'm happy most of the time, although obviously i will always have my pensive indie depressed moods for contrast. (well, maybe that's not really true, but since i still have no real concrete future, it's certainly true at the moment.)

i can't even think of a single watershed event recently. the closest was that day on the beach where i ran into the pacific ocean with pure joy, but in retrospect that was hardly a pivotal moment. i mean, life is good -- the bridge, the ping-pong, the class, the mathematics which are weekly occurrences. i managed to pull my conference off with everyone seemingly having a good time even if attendance was somewhat disappointing. i didn't even suffer any postpartum depression from it. i'm going to hawaii in two weeks. these are all good things. obviously my life is not 100% optimal or perfect, but the routine is pretty good for the most part.

and of course the stable routine doesn't really lend itself to epiphanies, which i guess are usually what i write about (albeit often of the pseudo- variety.) i actually have a bunch of blog entries in reserve, like the time i went to the graduate assembly meeting and it confirmed my belief that student government is a farcical complete waste of time, but i guess i better save those words for the novel and give people incentive to actually spend time with me.

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