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1555: Encouragement is the loveliest thing.
        The committee approves.


1401: Liking people makes life a lot easier and more fun.

2128: I went grocery shopping today. Since the refrigerator at the apartment is temporarily dysfunctional, that restricted my options for purchase a little. But I think the supermarket is lots of fun. Probably dangerous. I bought a bottle of coconut soda because it sounded werid. But I think that was the only extravagant thing.


1629: Commencement week is too unstructured. The school routine is over, the summer routine hasn't started yet, and people lack creativity and motivation. So to get anything fun or productive done, you have to do it by yourself. In the end, no one will save you from your boredom or whatever but yourself.

2027: This room feels less lonely the fewer people are here.


1630: Joe Walsh sang, "Everybody's so different, I haven't changed." But I honestly feel the opposite way these days. I feel like I've changed so much over time, but everyone else sort of plods on in their usual way... maybe I'm just not giving enough credit where credit is due. It makes me wonder what the point is of trying to improve and change if the world around you resists helping or being helped. What the fuck is the point? Maybe it's just a waste of time. Maybe I'm in the wrong place.
        Everything about that day is difficult. Every element is either painfully ironic or painfully fitting. All of it is terrifying.


0056: I went and saw Road Trip tonight with a bunch of people. It was hysterical. It was nice to convince so many people to go... get the Band out of that damn hovel. The people who stayed behind made themselves amusingly retarded for our return. I left pretty early, in case I actually do get up for Beach Day tomorrow. Part of me wanted to stay... but these days most of me knows there's just no point. That's the final lesson: if you wait for other people, you'll never survive. But it was a lovely evening, so I'll leave it at that.

1657: My alarm went off at 7:45. I got up and looked out the window and thought, "So, yeah, back to that sleep thing...." Everyone else decided that today would not be a fun day for the beach. I don't need to say anything more about the weather out here than I have already.
        I don't know what's worse, catastrophe or ennui. Seems like at least catastrophe gives you a good hormone rush.

1926: I don't understand why people plod on doing what they hate out of imaginary obligation. Yargh!


0142: I was going to write something coherent here, but the mental confusion in trying to figure out what day it was killed any thought I had... I should go to sleep.


0306: Our kind survive because they are forced to be strong, to handle things for themselves... because in the end you know whom you can rely upon surely, and whom you can rely upon when their own interests do not interfere, and whom you can never rely upon.
        Everything is going to rule.
        This party was all about contradictions, beginnings and endings, new life amongst the death of things... that don't make much sense... but then again I was never much for book learnin' anyway...

1442: I should never write anything after 3am.
        I think framing yesterday in terms of contradictions may have been too simple. I also saw it as being about decisions. Change is always coming, and you have to decide whether to wait it out to get what you want, change what you want so the exterior changes aid you, or give up getting what you want. I suppose all three choices are valid under different circumstances.


2124: Maybe it's just post-commencement letdown. Maybe summer hasn't gotten into full swing enough to be interesting... or distracting. On my way into town today, I surveyed the current state of affairs in my mind, and it occurred to me the possibility that everyone would be living more or less the same life regardless of my presence here at Harvard. Some of the details and timing might be altered, but nothing would be fundamentally different. The actions of some have widespread ramifications; those of others have dissipated effects. It's possible that I'm in the latter category. And then what's the point?


1249: I'm working forever today. It's not so bad, I suppose. I have a lot of things I can get done... although the first thing I was working on took me surprisingly little time. Kind of sad, actually. But I think it's kind of nice to have a place to go every day and stuff to do. Maybe everything will feel less disjointed. More jointed. Whatever.

1353: It's a nice day to be inside working for 11 hours... Cambridge is a place where winter never ends.

2138: During the school year, working at the help desk for two hours is okay, for three it's mildly painful, and for four it's pure torture. I've worked for nearly 11 hours today, and it hasn't been so bad at all. I got a ton of work done. I suppose it wasn't that hectic. But it strikes me that when I have not much better to do, work ain't so bad.
        I think summer will be fun... but working on the manual today I'm getting really excited about football season. :-)


1545: It's really freakin' cold down here today. Yesterday it was cold outside, so I didn't really notice that I was working in a refrigerator, but today it's rather nice outdoors, and so I'm noticing that my fingers are about to fall off. This isn't very pleasant.
        It's funny that when I have made a concerted effort not to care or expect anything good, some of the best times of my life have followed. Although if I thought about it, prolly some of the worst have followed too.
        There's something about the second day of work... I worked a whole lot yesterday, and I accomplished a lot, and I felt energized and jazzed... and today I just don't want to do anything productive. The novelty is gone. That and I'm on the Mac. Maybe that's the problem. I just can't work on a Mac. Although I did manage to update some UA manual pages on this computer... nope, I blame the Mac. This keyboard is really slow, in that it requires far too much pressure to push the keys. I don't come to work to give my fingers exercise, I come to type meaningless tripe!


2029: Prolly prolly prolly trolly prolly prolly prolly prolly prolly prolly. YOU WILL DROP THE B, STOREY!
        The above was very childish, but amused me greatly.
        While I'm at it, Happy Birthday, Pops. (I don't actually called Daddy "Pops", but I thought it sounded funny.)

2141: There's this place between being in synch and being at odds... a netherland that makes friends feel like acquaintances or people who haven't seen each other in a while and have forgotten why they were ever so close. I call that netherland 'ickiness', which isn't such a powerfully descriptive way of putting it, but describes how it makes me feel. Part of it is emptiness. Some of it is usually resentment and a sense of abandonment, a guilt about abandoning, disappointment, disillusion when idealism falls to realism. Icky. Icky icky.

2150: My roommate is now a really bad sports drink: Jdoxtade!


1229: Speaking of my roommate, I had an odd and continuous dream this morning (she has a lot of these, but that's not why I bring her up... you'll see). It started out with some sort of pool game... the dad from Frasier was there trying to teach someone to shoot this wacky shot, but he kept bumping the other balls so that the shot would be easier. At any rate, there was this one impossible shot that had to bounce off a whole bunch of stuff and then go in... and then there was this Japanese band visiting us, and one of the kids bet Aaron (I think it was Aaron... it's the only sensible thing) that he couldn't do it in 75 tries, and if he didn't, Aaron would have to give him $75 (I don't know what Aaron would get if he won), but just before Aaron agreed to the bet, the dude slipped in that he would also get to spend an evening with Jenn if he won, but Aaron didn't hear him and agreed to the bet. Some of us heard, though, and we were enraged, like, really really pissed. I had to explain to Jenn what was going on because she hadn't heard the end either. But the bet was made, even if the guy had been dishonourable in inserting that last disgusting bit, and so Aaron had to win. There was some sort of break... people left the building (which resembled some sort of thrift store... almost like Savers, but small). During the break, we started getting evern madder about the whole bet, and so we tried to find the guy so we could beat the crap out of him. But he had left for break. His girlfriend was there, though, and somehow the whole thing was partly her fault, like it had been her idea or something, so we shouted at her and called her nasty things, and I smacked her across the face and threw a cup of water I had in her face. Then the band started playing Shaft, and I had a little jenky keyboard and was playing along random notes that worked, since I didn't know the whole keyboard part (Morgan did, but he was playing something else). Some guys who were presumably on our side, but we didn't really know them wanted to beat up on this other guy because he was a jerk and they had missed the whole bet thing, o we had to fill them in on who was the appropriate beat-up target. And then everyone convened at a table for a meal, and the bet guy was getting ready to sit across from me, and I tried to lunge across the table and attack, but he saw me coming... I think I prolly woke up some at this point, but the next thing I knew, I was trying to enter this house that was being constructed, and the guy was in one of the bedrooms there with some of our people and some of his, and so I was going to beat him up then... but he was all beat up from the fight (the pool game had transformed into a fight), and so I stepped off and shook his hand and we talked about how good the fight had been even though he had eventually lost. And we pondered whether the day would bring future animosity or togetherness between the bands, although at the moment, it seemed like togetherness. And we won, so that was good. Especially for Jenn. ;-)
        Today we switch to roaming ethernet connectivity at three... I hope the world doesn't blow up.
        I'm irritated. This is the longest time I've gone on irritated about this thing without a real reversal. No, irritated is an understatement. I'm pained. I'm sickened. I want to just throw it all away so I can start living productively. But I know I won't be able to because I've never been able to. Fleeting good makes it impossible. Maybe someday I'll study non-substance-induced addictions... and how to destroy them.


1321: Pardon me for ignoring the world awhile. Not working makes life more salient for writing purposes.
        David Buss wrote an article for the January 2000 American Psychologist about how some human adaptations make happiness more difficult. For example, negative emotions would have originally served the purpose of acting as different warning signals in response to perceived threats. Problem is that these days humans have almost as much of an inner world as an outer world, so we have negative emotions not only to real exterior threats, but also to perceived threats which may or may not be as bad as we think. You can try to use reason to get around it, but let's face it, emotion is a feisty beast, and reason can look more like delusion in that light. I was thinking about this just now because I was pondering how silly it is that I can really like and respect someone, and that very likeability and respectability also makes me wish very much that they would accidentally get hit by a bus. As it were. There are some situations in which I can more easily tolerate someone I don't particularly respect.
        I decided today that what I really need is a random date. Even a bad date would be worthwhile right now. It's all a matter of meeting new people, any new people. I was reading Glamour (damn Neck 'n' Ass and her trash magazine!) the other day out of boredom... I found it to be this mix of surprising messages of empowerment and typical pandering to societal ideas of how a woman should be concerned primarily with looking pretty and catching a man. But it had some decent thoughts about how you should first be happy about being single, and second stop being passive just because you're female when it comes to meeting people. Which I thought was sound advice. Stop being lazy. That's always good advice.
        If you wanna see a badass movie, go see Shaft. Oh God, it ruled.

1545: I'm sure work would go much faster today if I were at all motivated to be productive. I don't feel like doing anything but putzing around, but I've read all the newsgroups, and I don't have email, and no one likes me so I don't get new email so I can putz around. Bleh.


1516: This page is now written using vim. Scary.
        So, after I whined about not getting email, lots of people emailed me. This was very nice of them. :-)
        I'm tired.


1513: So I'm on the phones, finally, and have caught up with all my newsgroups and such... it's been a pretty crazy time with summer school starting. People have the amazing capacity not to read anything you hand them. Big fat signs on the wall too. But the phones are pretty quiet. Some of the high school kids are pretty high strung, though. This one girl just called, and she just missed the UA who was coming to her room, so she had to reschedule, and I thought she was going to cry. Dude, chill.
        We saw Chicken Run the other night. It was really cute.


1528: Macs are evil.

2000: Of course. What am I going to do, break out the chainsaw and divide you?.... I always suspected you'd be happier as a complacent stupid sop.
        English is wonderfully vague.

Before They Were Stars

Programming Guide