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1236: This is all your fault. Take pride in that. I would be lying if I said I'm not partially controlled by my friends. I would say "influenced" but that's a lie. The world is about control. But I have enough power of my own. Except that I'm wearing my band uniform at work. Nothing is really more humbling.

1316: I go to start my psychology reading on dreams, and the first thing I see is a drawing by Beroalde de Verville called Le Songe de Poliphile, but the caption says "Seven virgins being transformed." They're all turning into trees. This disturbs me.

1637: I saw a book today called _Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say_, and I was like, "Yeah!" Then I realized it follows that men can't hear what women don't say, and I was like, "Shit!"


0203: And then there were three. But maybe not even that.
    Song to be arranged of the day: Hot Stuff
    If you have a choice between two dead ends roads, each with their own special obstacles and terminations, what do you do?

2040: Boys are dirty.
    "Don't listen to her. She lied to me last week! She can't be trusted." Yep, give it thirty years, and it's him.
    Why do I get that bad feeling about tonight...


0114: I will smile. I will hold my head up. Because I am better than all of it. That's something I've been trying to get other people to see; now it's time to practice what I preach. So, fuck you. I refuse to be empty.

0159: Romantic words I'd love to hear: "Erp, I think I'm going to be sick." Riiiight. ;-)

0321: Don't mind the teasing here... I'm just shaking my head and chuckling. And showing the girls how to really get their "pleasure" from the pole.

0554: G noted a long time ago about a friend of ours that he didn't even look innocent while sleeping.
    You're so fierce. When are you going to become strong? Because you deserve to live your life better than you currently can.

1501: Every muscle in my leg is screaming out with the angst of HELL! Why am I so dumb as to succumb to women's fashion?
    I just love suspicion.


1409: So, last night after researching the possible distance on the internet, we decided to walk to IHOP. It was a good 45-minute walk both ways, but a fine way to kill three hours on a Saturday night. The worst part was probably getting seated due to massive post-barhop crowds. It's definitely a plan for future use.
    In other news, I'm a little cranky this morning... well, afternoon. I had icky dreams. The worst one was probably one in which a bunch of people were hanging around all over the band room, and a bunch of my friends were running around having all sorts of fun, and I just got left out of everything. Everyone seemed to be having more fun the less I was around. The hideous thing about the dream is that it doesn't seem to totally lack basis in reality. I'm also extremely paranoid as of late. And at work, which is never a good time.


1524: Well kids, we are accomplishing our mission. How am I supposed to get any work done when we entertain ourselves so very well?
    When I realized what day it was, I didn't feel bad at all. I was just content with the simplicity of it all.

2212: I am an insatiable girl who wants to be entertained every evening. Save me from tutorial reading!


0139: Contrasts can be painful. But I really can't complain.

1603: Tuesday afternoon... is freaking boring! But I got a package in the mail. Which is kind of nice. I like to get things. Despite the impression I give people. It's just all sour grapes. Deep down I'm a big sap.


0117: Today can only be described as enh. I spent the majority of it reading alone, and then I didn't go to the hockey game because I didn't want to walk all the way over there by myself and I thought it wasn't going to be worth going. But it was a good game and it went into overtime, and I missed it. Just my luck. And then *someone* was cranky! :p *I'm* the only one who is allowed to be cranky.

1557: Walking outside just now, I heard birds and saw lots of grass and thought, "Shit, dude! It's spring!" I never believed I could have that thought here in February.


0145: I'd like to escape to those moments of security, warm, quiet, free. I feel such a disjoint amongst my relationships... companionship here, fun elsewhere... but never reliable, never all in one place. Maybe happiness is just pieced together.

0341: The worst kind of addictions don't require psychoactive substances or impulsive activities. Emotional addiction is the worst.

1218: We got a light dusting of snow last night, after getting home, fortunately. When I walked outside this morning, someone had written in it two-foot high block letters saying "HELP ME."
    I realized today just how much work I have due next week, and I am not a happy camper about it.

1536: Lessons you can never learn enough-- always make sure to redo things yourself because other people will fuck them up.
    In good news, I got out of section early, and today has been greatly productive. This can only lead to eventual debauchery.

2315: Now is the part of the cycle where we see the phenomenon of destructive interference.
    I was ready to concede that there was misunderstanding and move on. Moving on isn't so easy for everyone.


0037: Resolution is really simple. That's why it doesn't happen.

0114: Thanks. Refresh and regenerate.


1542: I should never believe I'll get work done on a Saturday.


0541: I took a walk tonight. Snowflakes drifted down to me, but it was warm and calm. Sometimes being alone is not lonely.
    How do you put up with feeling neglected? How do I put up with bouts of rage? Reason doesn't rule us. You said it yourself, that the moments when things work out make it all worthwhile, despite those times that don't.

1526: Debate kids are really funny.
    So, on my way back to the BR last night, I had the misfortune of walking past a crowd of finals clubbers. The boys were all very drunk and VERY loud. One of them was attempting to kick the rear-view mirror off of a car. There are never cops around when you'd like them. At any rate, it made me realize that no matter how dumb our boys might get while under the influence, they never turn into monsters. So, boys, you may never ever hear this again, but mad props to you for not being total idiots.


0417: I stayed up until four watching Superman. What's wrong with me? Sometimes I wish I could just rip out the stupid parts of my brain so the rest of me could function normally.
    Possibility is more dangerous than you could ever believe.

1341: I've got to start working.

2220: Reading would be better if my mind didn't have to wander elsewhere.


1451: Some people enjoy playing with explosives.
    My stomach hurts today. No matter what I put in or leave out of it, it just stays knotted up. Anxieties don't respond well to physical remedy.
    What do you expect to gain?

2122: I like being expected.
    There's something so free about being done with tutorial for the week.


1253: Yargh! Work!
    I was standing in the bathroom this morning when I suddenly had a flash of being outside the windows of the All-Star Music building at Disney World, looking in at my friends getting a late dinner. I don't know why. I may never quite understand how the nights could be so different from the days back then. But I thank heavens every day that the way I am is so vastly different now.
    I concluded today that my coffee addiction is most certainly back: I couldn't manage to be hungry enough for lunch, but I had no problem drinking my whole cup of coffee. Now I feel just great. But I can quit at any time, I tell you!


1558: Last week felt very dissociative at times. I'd be standing somewhere and have vivid flashes of being in some past place. I'd see someone from afar and have a flash of recognition, only to realize that I'd thought it was someone from a long time ago. Today is particularly weird, being delightfully warm and breezy. The stomach twistings that spontaneously arise and the associations I have with springtime in Cambridge are not compatible with my current contentment. Time to make new associations, I suppose.
    To my roommate: I hope you had a lovely birthday. And as Keary would say, bow chicka bow wow.


1057: My desire to know outweighs all other desires.
    Only one thing so fully erases a sane man's senses so quickly.

1642: "N.," G. said, "some of them are going to be mighty upset when you tell them they won't all fit."

2009: I just can't get to my reading.

Nothing more to see here